OK, I've taken the 1982 140Hp off and replaced it with a 1990 GT150. 140Wiring harness hook up to GT150 no problems. Shift and gas cables are all hooked same as 140. Battery cable OK. Plug the oil line (mix my oil and gas 50:1 same as 140). I used the gas plug in off the 140 to plug oil line. Pump gas up and hit the starter and she fire up and ran it for about 15 sec. and trun it off because I seen water come off the back of engine. When to back of engine and find a T in the water line going to the pisser(water dischrge off the back). Is this a T for a water pressure line? If so, what PSI(15 or 30) gauage should I look for on the GT150? Thanks to all for your help. God bless all.