Wuss, rub some dirt on it and take a lap!
Wuss, rub some dirt on it and take a lap!
Wuss, rub some dirt on it and take a lap!
look out for the BILL, medicare was charge over $2,200 for my 14 stitches. who said the cost of health care needs to be controlled.
Ayuh,... Personally,... I prefer Axle Grease,... It's much more sterile than Dirt...
Stitches,..?? Stitches,..??
That's why I carry Super-Glue in my 1st-aid kit....
Push the skins flaps back together,...
Run a bead down the cut,... The bleeding stops,+ the healing begins....
When the Glue falls off,... It's All Better....
Learned that Trick back in the 80s from a Nurse,... Been using it ever since...
Good Luckk JJ,...
I put some vitamin B on it last night