Re: Four Stroke on Older Aluminum (what hp?)
Welcome to iboats, I'm in Indiana so I am having a problem with hard water too.
If you can get a battery up towards the bow that would help alot.
As far as power a 20 should move her out very well, a 40 would really go.
I am in the camp that static weight is less of a problem than thrust, a transom HP rating is based more on the power of the engine than the hanging weight, so 40 4-stroke HP is the same as 40 2-stroke HP as far as the transom is concerned, of coarse if you are going to tow this boat I reccomend a transom saver.
You have 3 really heavy items to work with, motor, gas and battery, the motor is where it is so if you move the gas or a battery forward it should work, maybe don't finish finish the boat till you can float it just in case.