Found 2004 Honda 90 for sale - Is it worth it?


Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 15, 2010
I found a 2004 Honda 90 for sale that has been sitting for the last 6+ years. The lady wants to get rid of it so I can get it at a good price but what should I do to make sure I'm not buying an anchor? i.e. I'll bring a battery and see if I can get it to crank to do a compression test but should I put some oil in the cylinders first? If I do, will that affect the test?

If I get it, I'm not planning on running it until I've had a chance to replace all of the fluids, fuel lines, etc. Any suggestions so I don't make a big mistake?

Thanks for your help!


Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 15, 2010
Re: Found 2004 Honda 90 for sale - Is it worth it?


Sea Rider

Supreme Mariner
Sep 20, 2008
Re: Found 2004 Honda 90 for sale - Is it worth it?

Is it a 2 or 4 strokes engine ?

Place engine at horizontal position, remove plugs, skirt gas/oil 25:1 ratio in each piston/cylinder for lubrication, turn flywheel by hand or wrench to see if seized, if ok, check plugs spark to start with, If ok, would be impossible for that engine sitting for so long to fire right up. Latter can continue checking compression, carb condition, gas valve, gaskets, impeller, tail oil, etc. A difficult purchase to stablish correct selling price as engine is inoperative. Check Ebay how much is same model & year and make an offer.

Happy Boating


Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 15, 2010
Re: Found 2004 Honda 90 for sale - Is it worth it?

When turning the flywheel, it always goes clockwise, correct?

Is there any way to check and see how clogged or clear the cooling ports are?


Apr 24, 2007
Re: Found 2004 Honda 90 for sale - Is it worth it?

Since this engine has 4 carbs on it, I'd highly advise that they be removed and completely cleaned and rebuilt. Just the simple fact of dried up fuel in the jets for 6 years will prevent proper idling and accelleration. Also make sure the vent ports are clean on all 4 carbs. Then the rebuilt carbs will need to be synchronized with propor equipment to ensue they operate in unison. Unless you have experience with this type of repair, you will need to have a shop perform it for you. I'd also drop the lower unit and inspect the water pump and change the gear oil and engine oil for for cause. If you get a good price on the engine and theres nothing else wrong with it, you should have a pretty good engine after some neglected maintenance.