I noticed that the Next page and large page buttons at the bottom of a topic do not work for me. But the small page arrow controls at the top right do work.
Is my computer or is the site having some problems? It seems that the entire page comes up es a single file line and the thread is way at the bottom. I cleared my cache with no effect and other web pages are loading fine, Thanks...Mark
Hi all, things seem to be worst on firefox. We are working on it now, but if you have a browser other than Firefox that is also having problems, please let me know.
Firefox = disaster Chrome = difficult to impossible to function Safari = "looks" best, but none of the functions are working there either (all from the Mac platform)
I can post from Chrome but there is no formatting. Cannot use quote function. I dont appear to be logged in but obviously I am. Cannot post at all from MS Edge
Agreed^^^ Checking to see if I am able to post here as I'm not able to post in the problems forum. Slow, page function doesn't work in threads as well as forum page function.
Agreed^^^ Checking to see if I am able to post here as I'm not able to post in the problems forum. Slow, page function doesn't work in threads as well as forum page function. chrome
Agreed^^^ Checking to see if I am able to post here as I'm not able to post in the problems forum. Slow, page function doesn't work in threads as well as forum page function. chrome. Also unable to edit,quote ect...