Ford 2.3


Jun 2, 2003
I was wondering if its possible to convert the carburator of my Ford 2.3L inboard to EFI? I've been having a lot of problems (gas consumption, stalling etc) with this engine. Have changes ignition wirings, rotor, plugs etc - spent close to $1,000 with hardly any difference. Someone suggested that since this engine is carburated, an EFI module may very well improve the gas consumption as well as the reliability.<br /><br />Thanks in advance for any tips.<br /><br />N. Aydemir

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Ford 2.3

EFI is not a Magic Bullet, it won't cure basic problems like low compression problems.<br />Have you done a compression check, done any vacuum tests, set timing and checked advance timing? How about the carb, has it been checked out? Could be full of water, very common on boats.<br />Tune ups are another thing that should be done on boats every spring. <br />Could also be that your exhaust riser or manifold is bad and allowing water to get into the cylinders.<br />Could also be a bad shift cable causing the stalling problem.............<br />Besides that, I don't think there is even such an EFI unit out that is marine certified for use on that engine.


Jun 2, 2003
Re: Ford 2.3

Thanks Don. Yes, the compression test was done last year and it was within nominal range. NO vacuum tests were done. Timing adjustments were made as part of last year's tune up and replacement of ignition cables, rotor... They've checked the carburator as well since I wanted to replace it. They said it was good, they just cleaned it. The problem with this boat is, it is alwasys behaving well at the beginning of the season. We are in Ontario, average air temp is about 25C July-August. But always near the end of the season (towards end of August), the engine starts developing stalling problems. It would start just fine, idle at nominal rpm but when you load it, it would just die. I am wondering if it has anything to do with air density change as the air gets colder in August/September? Would a carburator adjustment solve this problem? I am not sure how to adjust it but I guess I can get a shop manual if needed.<br /><br />Any suggestions?<br /><br />N. Aydemir


Fleet Admiral
Dec 29, 2003
Re: Ford 2.3

How often do you use the boat? How many times per season do you fill your tank? I've had customers that don't use a single tankful in an entire season. The fuel goes stale. To combat that, I advise using Stabil year-round.