Force first time out for the season - Good news


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 20, 2004
De-winterized, put the battery back in, pumped up the fuel bulb and put on the muffs.<br /><br />The 1988 85 HP Force jumped right to life on the first try. Took her out to the lake for the weekend and she performed flawlessly. Power was great too. I actually picked up a few MPH from my final time out last season. That surprised me a bit considering the gas was from back in October with only Stabil added.<br /><br />Stator and one power pack is all I've replaced and are the only things that have been done to this motor in its history (in addition to replacing the plugs, winterizing and the occassional decarb). Not bad at all for a motor 17 years old. Saw a newer Johnson and an Evinrude at the marina that were giving the owners problems.<br /><br />Chalk one up in the plus column for Force. Take care of it and it will take care of you.


Lieutenant Commander
Dec 5, 2002
Re: Force first time out for the season - Good news

Saw a newer Johnson and an Evinrude at the marina that were giving the owners problems.<br />
These guys seen you out and must have felt like making you feel good :D It's not normal for a John and a Rude to be at the dock having problems while the Force is borin' holes in the water.....<br />Seriously, sounds like your maintenance practices have paid off for ya. Not all treat them as good and may be part of the problems they seem to have. Good luck! :)


Rear Admiral
Apr 13, 2003
Re: Force first time out for the season - Good news

Great way to start you season!<br />LOL @ moderator1


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 20, 2004
Re: Force first time out for the season - Good news

Originally posted by moderator1:<br />These guys seen you out and must have felt like making you feel good :D It's not normal for a John and a Rude to be at the dock having problems while the Force is borin' holes in the water.....
LMAO. :D I'm certainly not knocking those motors at all and wouldn't put them in the same class as a Force. They're darn good engines. I just think that in cases with many motor problems, it's usually due to the owner's maintenance, or lack thereof. I saw some guy dry start what looked to be a brand new Mercury at the ramp before putting her in. I just cringed the whole time it was running. :( <br /><br />Anyway, I just wanted to put some good news out there about the Force. Compression is great on all cylinders and if people will just do the normal stuff with them, I don't see any reason why they can't give you reliable service for years to come.


Aug 31, 2004
Re: Force first time out for the season - Good news

I couldn't agree more about Force. I had an '86<br /> 85 horse that ran like a charm. I was religious <br /> about winterizing (including draining all three<br /> carb bowls) and never had any trouble. The only thing that ever happened was the screw that holds the fuel valve came loose and punched a hole in the diaphram. Two dollars later it was screaming again. That's not bad for almost twenty years. Outboards keep giving back as long as they receive their fair share of TLC.


Lieutenant Commander
Dec 5, 2002
Re: Force first time out for the season - Good news

I agree...keep it up and they'll last for years.