Force 90 L-Drive General


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 1, 2010
I have an 89 Capri with the infamous 90 L-Drive, but what I really want to understand is the engine. Installed tell tale, rebuilt carbs, all is well except it won't idle after running a while. I'm very afraid to blow it up by my own stupidity, so my questions are:

- Ran for 40 minutes with no engine cover and it was cold to the touch. Tell tale was only dripping, which seems odd since it's on the feed side of the thermostat. Mecahnic said any water out of it means it's fine, but he's been wrong before. How do I 'really' know the cooling system is working right?

- Can I test the overheat alarm to see if it's good?
- What's up with the idle?


Jun 18, 2011
Re: Force 90 L-Drive General

I myself have a 1991 capri with a 125 hp L-drive:) I installed a tell-tale to gage water flow and it squirts out water about 3 feet at high rpm and about a foot at idle the water is warm to the touch which Ilet run on the ski deck (the kids like that). Anyway back to the point once it did start dripping as you stated and I started worrying as you but found that the hose had plugged at the fitting with some fine sand particals, and upon cleaning back to squirting. I would suggest checking water impeller for wear and replace if any doubt of age and replace every 2 to 3 yrs. needed or not. My thermostate opens at 130 degrees but even if it didn't the tell-tale is before that and should be squirting a good stream at all times.


May 18, 2011
Re: Force 90 L-Drive General

you can test the over heat switch by removing it and connecting to an Ω meter or bulb and battery ..put it in an electric kettle and see what temp its contacts close at ......

( for ohm symbol press alt 234 on side keypad not at top )


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 1, 2010
Re: Force 90 L-Drive General

Thanks I will check the fittings. I have a 90 degree angle fitting. Do you have that too? Had it out twice running pretty hard with no alarm and it showed no signs of being too hot. Impeller is a year old, but I will change every other year as you suggest. Idle problem was my idiot mechanic leaving the idle screw loose and it backed all the way down.