Force 1993 40 hp No Spark issue -UPDATED!


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 26, 2009
Hi Guys,
Let me first tell you taht I have ordered manual for this motor and it should arrive in a week or so. But I have no patience, so let me ask a question:
Motor does not start, starter runs, motor turns, no cigar.
I checked the compression and it is 135x135, which is good.
I checked fuel supply by disonnecting the fuel line before the fuel pump and gas pored out. I disconnected the gas line afer the fuel pum and gas burst out of the tube (it was under pressure). So I assume that gas gets to carb.

Next step was to check the spark. I pulled the spark plugs out, leaned (grounded) them adains the block and ran starter. No spark on both. Did I do it right?

So, here is the question, what to check next? What can be the cause of the no-spark thing? I am attaching some pics including picture of contols. I looked, but cound not find the kill switch. Is there one? I noticed also that on the control box there are some wires taht are disconnected and I have separate sitch for the motor trim on the dash - the one on the control does not work.

Sorry for the long post. Thanks in advance.








Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: Force 1993 40 hp No Spark issue

Re: Force 1993 40 hp No Spark issue

The kill switch is shown in the last photo, right hand side. Labeled "run/off" Push little switch up to run, down to kill.

Also, make sure it is in neutral.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 21, 2009
Re: Force 1993 40 hp No Spark issue

Re: Force 1993 40 hp No Spark issue

Disconnect the kill circuit wire from the switchbox and recheck for spark.It's the black wire with a yellow stripe.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 26, 2009
Re: Force 1993 40 hp No Spark issue

Re: Force 1993 40 hp No Spark issue

The kill switch is shown in the last photo, right hand side. Labeled "run/off" Push little switch up to run, down to kill.

Also, make sure it is in neutral.

Ok, I am very sorry for asking basic questions, but. The switch that is shown as Off/Run is in the top position. Itried playing with it by pushing it down witht he screwdriver through the little hole in the switch cover. How is it supposed to kill the motor if it is so hard to put in the off position?

Aslo, how do I make sure it is in neutral (sorry guys, it is my first boat.:redface:)? The throttle lever is in the middle, so I assumed it is in neutral.

Disconnect the kill circuit wire from the switchbox and recheck for spark.It's the black wire with a yellow stripe.

Switchbox? Is that the one in the last picture? Or that is part of the motor on the third picture?
Should I just disconnect it , or I will have to ground it? I would think that kill swithc breaks the circuit, or it closes the "kill" circuit?


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: Force 1993 40 hp No Spark issue

Re: Force 1993 40 hp No Spark issue

You need one of these.


The small oval loop at the end, goes into the space above the switch, then the switch is flipped to "run."
The other end is clipped to your jacket, belt loop, lifejacket, etc, when an emergency happens, like you fall overboard, the lanyard pulls on the kill switch and the motor shuts off.

The switchbox is on the motor, part of the ignition system.

That shift controller unit (controls) are not typical for that motor. Looks more what you would find on a boat with an i/o.

That is why you have the cobbled together pile of wires.

You also need a way to activate the "choke" on the motor.
It is usually in the key switch, activated by pushing it in.
Does that key switch push in? Or is there another ignition switch on the dash?


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 26, 2009
Re: Force 1993 40 hp No Spark issue

Re: Force 1993 40 hp No Spark issue

Wow, thanks a lot for the detailed and patient response!

It says under the key - Push to Choke - and i can push the key in. But not sure what it does, usually the "choke" is to make fuel mix richer, so it ignites easier, here it looks like electronic button, on motorcycles choke is usually manual, not electronic. So this button, I guess, it should activate like electric motor that will push something in carb? Also very well maybe that it is disconnected like a bunch of other wires from this control box.
But in general, how should it work, I push it BEFORE i turn the key or during turning of the key?

Ok now safety lanyard. Here is the big question: Based on the picture the Off is on the bottom and run is on the top. if I will put the plastic loop in the slot on the top and put it around the switch then how can it work? If I pull on the lanyard it will want to move the switch to the top position - which is Run! and the bottom [position is Off, so it should be opposit - Run on bottom and off at top? The switch is now in the top position, I will move it to bottom and retry the spark test. This thing can be disconnected anyways.....

Also on the spark test. i read some posts where people recommend to have "good ground before trying the spark plugs or you will fry the ignition switch". I am not sure if I have "good ground" and do not want to fry the ignition. I just put the spark plug on top of the cylinders, so it is touching the metal of the cylinder and run the starter and see if there is spark in the spark plug. Right or wrong?

Thanks again!


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: Force 1993 40 hp No Spark issue

Re: Force 1993 40 hp No Spark issue

Wow, thanks a lot for the detailed and patient response!

It says under the key - Push to Choke - and i can push the key in. But not sure what it does, usually the "choke" is to make fuel mix richer, so it ignites easier, here it looks like electronic button, on motorcycles choke is usually manual, not electronic. So this button, I guess, it should activate like electric motor that will push something in carb? Also very well maybe that it is disconnected like a bunch of other wires from this control box.
But in general, how should it work, I push it BEFORE i turn the key or during turning of the key?

Ok now safety lanyard. Here is the big question: Based on the picture the Off is on the bottom and run is on the top. if I will put the plastic loop in the slot on the top and put it around the switch then how can it work? If I pull on the lanyard it will want to move the switch to the top position - which is Run! and the bottom [position is Off, so it should be opposit - Run on bottom and off at top? The switch is now in the top position, I will move it to bottom and retry the spark test. This thing can be disconnected anyways.....

Also on the spark test. i read some posts where people recommend to have "good ground before trying the spark plugs or you will fry the ignition switch". I am not sure if I have "good ground" and do not want to fry the ignition. I just put the spark plug on top of the cylinders, so it is touching the metal of the cylinder and run the starter and see if there is spark in the spark plug. Right or wrong?

Thanks again!

Yes, pushing the key in should activate the "choke." Your 93 model doesn't have a conventional choke though.
It has a fuel enrichment valve, or primer system. Push the key in, it will activate a solenoid which opens a valve, the valve dumps fuel into the manifold.

To use it, first pump up the primer bulb in the fuel line, till firm.
THen when you turn the key - you push it in. Continue to hold the key in while turning the key.
Only use the choke for about 5 seconds, then release it so you don't flood the engine.

Here are detailed starting instructions for you:

There is no conventional choke on that motor.
There is a fuel enrichment valve, that releases fuel directly into the intake manifold.

Open fuel tank vent

Check the kill switch, place in "run" position

Squeeze fuel primer bulb till firm.

Advance the throttle 3/4 way, without putting it in gear. -- This is done by either pushing a button in the center of the controls.

Activate the choke (fuel enrichment valve) by pushing in on the key. The valve is only open while the key is being pushed in.

Turn the key to start while continuing to hold the key in.

Release the key and choke when it starts.

3-5 seconds of "choke", is usually enough.

Be ready to pull the throttle back toward the idle/neutral position, when the engine starts and the revs increase.

Continue to pull the throttle back as the engine warms up.

You should not have to use the choke much, if at all, once the engine has warmed up.

Engine should start within 10 seconds of turning the key.

The lanyard:

Flip the switch to off.
Insert the plastic loop, push the switch up to the run position. This will also hold the loop in place.

When you pull on the lanyard, it will pull out, forcing the switch to the off position and killing the motor.

Easiest way to check the spark is with an inline spark tester.
But yes you can just hold it near the block.
The spark should jump a 7/16 " gap if it is good and strong.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 26, 2009
Re: Force 1993 40 hp No Spark issue

Re: Force 1993 40 hp No Spark issue

OK guys, here is some new info. I talked to the PO and he told me that he took the motor to the mechanic and was told taht it is CDI unit that was gone.
Question 1: Is there a way to test CDI unit?
Question 2: Does anyone know the place in CANADA to get one?

Disclaimer: PO sold me the hull and trailer, motor just came with it and I was told it is not running. I am just trying to recover it if I can.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 26, 2009
Re: Force 1993 40 hp No Spark issue

Re: Force 1993 40 hp No Spark issue

Ok I have some good news and some bad ones.
I have flipped the kill switch (down!!!!!) and i got the spark. Next I put plugs back in cylinders and started cranking. It started! I turned it off right away cause I wanted to put it in the barrel with water.
we have tried cranking it again but no success - short (10-20 sec ) bursts for maybe 10 times. I have a feeling that I have flooded the cylinders cause i have gas coming from exaust. Now what? I took the plugs out and left it like that for the night. Any other suggestions?
Also whyle cranking we have noticed light smoke coming from the under the flywheel. Is that bad?
Feb 18, 2009
Re: Force 1993 40 hp No Spark issue -UPDATED!

I have the same motor. Sounds like your fuel system is good to go if you are flooded. BTW, when flooded, mine will clear itself in about five minutes and a few cranks with the hose unplugged.

I think you need to check your timing. Please let us know what you find. A smoking stator sounds like something is wrong with you electrical. I had a wire on the left side of the motor running to the "candy bar" that had a tiny chafe against a bolt. Check your wires for chafes.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 26, 2009
Re: Force 1993 40 hp No Spark issue -UPDATED!

Ok here is an update. Motor started! I had to just add some throttle when starting and it started. I could not do i up the front cause looks like my control box is screwed up, it does not want to increase throttle without putting motor and gear and when in gear it does not want to start.
So I manually disconnected the throttle cable and moved it by hand. Is started after 5 sec. which is good news. Now I noticed that there is no water from the pissing holes on the back. And I do not want to run it more than 30 sec since i am afraid that impeller is screwed up and motor can overheat. Do you usually have water fromt he pissing holes?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Nov 30, 2009
Re: Force 1993 40 hp No Spark issue -UPDATED!

You should have water coming from the holes, although sometimes it takes awhile but it should have started spurting within 30 seconds. How long since you last replaced the impeller? Should be replaced every 6 months.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 26, 2009
Re: Force 1993 40 hp No Spark issue -UPDATED!

This is new to me motor, so I do not think it was replaced in the last 6 ..60 month. I will get it replaced.
Is there overheat alarm on this motor?