Hi, i need help with this probleme, when i crank the engine starter dont want to crank or sloly crank, i check the battery its new batterie 1000amp. i check all cable its good and next i check the starter on a dealer and the stater lost 1 amp on crancking but not sure if e check corectely, but the last test i do its to remove all cable on the engine and the starter and i take booster cable and i crank the starter directely on the cassing of the starter, do samethink, i can turn the flywell so nothing on the engine can make bad starter cranking, so can anyone of you can explain another place to look or if you think its e bad starter and i have to put new one, i just want to make sure i check everythink before bye new one its $250 and cannot return after i bye.
thank you!
thank you!