force 150 hp starter probleme


Jun 20, 2004
Hi, i need help with this probleme, when i crank the engine starter dont want to crank or sloly crank, i check the battery its new batterie 1000amp. i check all cable its good and next i check the starter on a dealer and the stater lost 1 amp on crancking but not sure if e check corectely, but the last test i do its to remove all cable on the engine and the starter and i take booster cable and i crank the starter directely on the cassing of the starter, do samethink, i can turn the flywell so nothing on the engine can make bad starter cranking, so can anyone of you can explain another place to look or if you think its e bad starter and i have to put new one, i just want to make sure i check everythink before bye new one its $250 and cannot return after i bye.

thank you!


Rear Admiral
Jun 24, 2003
Re: force 150 hp starter probleme

Try taking the battery to an auto parts store and have it load tested. New batteries can have bad cells in them. If you are are going to buy a new starter I would take the old one a part first and see if you can see what is wrong with it. If you need a new starter order one from here


Seaman Apprentice
Feb 15, 2006
Re: force 150 hp starter probleme

Pull the plugs and try cranking it without the plugs installed. It should turn over fast and freely. I recently had a problem with the engine gumming up after sitting for awhile and even with the plugs removed it would not crank easily. I sprayed WD40 into the cyclinders and after several short bumps it broke free and turned freely. replaced the plugs and it has started immediately since. Of course before I discovered the problem I invested and installed a new starter i didn't need:%
