Force 125 Timing?


Seaman Apprentice
May 27, 2011
Can anyone give me directions on the how to adjust timing to proper setting. I read something about 32..?? No clue...need help guys..


Oct 23, 2009
Re: Force 125 Timing?

Man, that's a lot of typing. Don't you have a manual?
That's what I said when I first saw this post. So I said wait until someone pitches in and then just add to it if anything. LOL If no one pitches in, send me an email .


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 7, 2010
Re: Force 125 Timing?

A manual makes things much easier. You can buy them from ebay in PDF format for about $10.00. There are different publishers so they vary in quality. They will all give you enough information to set the timing.

I’m using one with a file name “Force Outboards 1984-99.pdf”. A combination of the manual and the sticky at the top of this forum will get you there. The procedure is too lengthy to type out especially when it can be found in the manual.

I’ve found this forum and the people on it extremely helpful. I think you may have had little response to your question because it could be read in such a way that you were expecting answers to questions that could be easily answered with a bit of effort and a manual. The problem with the written language and especially emails and forum posts is that they are short and can be read to have different tones and meanings, depending on who is reading it and how the feel at the time. The other, often overlooked point, is that some people, through no fault of their own, have great difficulty with there ability to read or write. It is no reflection on their intelligence. I know several very intelligent people who are like this. I’m not having a shot at anyone and I don’t want to come across moralizing to people. Without computers and spell-check I would have great difficulty composing this response myself. If you can get a manual, read through it, and then get clarification on anything you don’t understand. The sticky “How to get the best results from your questions” at the top of this forum is worth looking at. I notice Jiggz has offered to help as well. People are incredibly generous with their time.

It could also be that you just want to get on the water as soon as possible. I understand this one well!

If you are just looking for the specs on you motor these are what I could find.

Maximum STATIC timing is 34 BTDC.

Maximum DYNAMIC timing is 32 BTDC.

Maximum rpm 4500 – 5500

If you have an early model with a distributor the point gap is 0.01 inch.

Idle rpm 700-800.

125hp 1984-89: Initial idle screw setting – 1 turn out from light seat.

Float height with carb inverted 13/32” Carb body to float top.

Good Luck


Feb 18, 2009
Re: Force 125 Timing?

Have a lead to the OEM manual and parts list. Costs about 1hr. of a marine mechanics time.