False! White Chrysler engines were no more powerful than the white Force engines or any other Force.. In fact, when Chrysler was forced to divest to Brunswick, the two white Force engines (1984-85 and 1985-86) were simply Chrysler engines with different decals. It was either 1986 or 1987 when Brunswick changed the color and shape of the Force line.
Force continued with Prestolite ignition forma few more years, then in a effort to improve the engines, Brunswick started substituting Mercury Components. After 1994, the engines had Mercury lower units, water pumps, different pistons and longer connecting rods. Mercury ignition completed the package. These engines made earlier versions look tame, were quite competitive, and could keep up with the other brands.
White Chrysler engines were simply easier to customize with paint and decals and for that reason I prefer them to Force engines.