Force 120 wont start

Jun 25, 2013
I have a 94 Bayliner Capri 1800LS with a 120 Force and it wont start

heres the story on this boat I bought it about a month ago because I wanted to get back into boating the guy I got it from in Ballard Took me out on the water with it and it ran fine started right up it. between 3/4 full throttle it wouldn't pick up much more speed and he said it had a low compression in the one cylinder. I brought it home and got busy with work finally put on a kicker so incase my main OB went down id be able to get back without a paddle cause that's no fun lol. And here I am it wont start :-( so basicly it got pulled from ballard to Tacoma and that's all the wind its seen

Heres the steps I take to try and start it. turn batteries on/ Lower engine/pump fuel line/ push key in to choke and try to start. I have even tried to put the throttle up a little. kill switch is in the run position and still no luck. I did a compression test and its 125 30 125 120. Im waiting on help to check to see if I am getting any spark kind of hard to do alone. I tried looking for inline fuses or anything but only fuse I can find is right above the coil packs and its fine.

Does anyone have any ideas on why it would of ran a month ago and all of a sudden not run at all?


Seaman Apprentice
May 15, 2011
Re: Force 120 wont start

Bigdiehl, with that compression I would think you have a blown head gasket, that would keep you from getting the top end, I have the same boat/engine but a 93 and had similar issue 2 years ago although it would still start, I cleaned up the head and pistons while it was apart (carbon deposits) and keep plugs clean, they foul easy with a lot of starting, it was a easy and cheap fix and runs great since. check on spark for the starting issue and go from there.. these guys on this forum can help with anything, lots of info...good luck


Rear Admiral
Oct 8, 2007
Re: Force 120 wont start

A motor with only 30lbs of compression in one cylinder is not going to run all that great and will give you problems. You might want to think about taking the head off and see if the head gasket is the problem.

Let us know when you find out if it's got good spark.
Jun 25, 2013
Re: Force 120 wont start

So i just tested all the spark plugs and i have nice sharp blue spark on all 4. the guy i bought it from previously said he thought maybe it was the gasket and replaced it once and then still had same problem so he took it off and cleaned it and replaced it again... Could it but a piston ring? Is there any way to adjust the timing? im not boat smart just throwing out ideas lol... So i have Spark/ compression in 3 and low in 1.. So I thought I was getting fuel and I took some ether and sprayed in the carbs and it started up for 5-10 seconds so maybe im not getting fuel like I thought at first.. I have fuel all the way to the carbs but wont try to start unless I added ether... and when it did start the starter smoked like crazy from the bottom bolt???