Re: For those who feel Iraq is just misunderstood
First of all, I am anti Administration policy, not anti Bush--<br /><br />And why would I want to keep a lid on that? There has never been any doubt that Saddam, as well as most tyrannical dictators, can be brutal at times. Have you looked at what is happening in Iraq lately? To keep order in an otherwise chaotic society with all sorts of warring factions, leading with an iron hand is not too surprising. This is not Oklahoma we are talking about. I'm not defending his behaviour, but only explaining it.<br /><br />And what are you talking about hindsight? What we are witnessing is precisely what I predicted. an easy war followed by the peace from hell? I am sure you will agree that I am not all *THAT* bright, and I could predict it.<br /><br />The idea that the Iraqis would be dancing in the street, and welcome democracy with open arms was, and is, simple folly. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure that out.<br /><br />On top of that, there is not a single 'legitimate' regime over there that would welcome a democratic state in the middle of the middle east. Every government over there is threatened by that. The notion that those countries are going to cooperate to any great degree is also folly, as the outcome in Iraq could directly threaten them and their power.<br /><br />All in all, George Will, on one of the talkshows, said that it is important to understand the difference between a problem and a mess. A problem implies there is a solution, and a mess is something you live with and deal with. I think we are in a mess.