

Lieutenant Commander
May 27, 2002
I saw a guy last weekend who had a piece of duct-tape fastened sticky-side-out on the back of his hat. It was covered in dead gnats. Looked like a good way to get those guys buzzing around your head. Could do the same thing around your ankles I suppose.


Jan 22, 2002
Re: Flytape

now this heres a topic for the latenighters... :D sounds good to me, but how bout just using the whole spiral flytrap thingy and really making a fancy ribbon hatband?<br /><br />btw(by tha way) do not stick your finger in one of those mouse/snake glue pan type traps - you'll be learning to live with one hand til it decomposes, like maybe 20yrs... they ought to lay em around every lake with suspected snakehead infestations, cause nothin is gonna crawl out of those things.<br />


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 19, 2002
Re: Flytape

Hey, give it a shot and let us know how it works. I was at a mini-golf place in minocqua with my son. They had the same setup around all the trees. I did see what looked like Asian Long-horned beetles, and there were a huge number of holes drilled into the trees by insects. Don't know if it worked or not since the holes were drilled into the trees before they put up the duct tape.<br />On the glue traps, I heard cooking oil will get the sticky off it you happen to get it on you. I know someone that stepped in one.


Lieutenant Commander
May 27, 2002
Re: Flytape

Someone I know was getting very frustrated with one of his cats getting into everything on the kitchen counter while he was gone. He didn't know which of two cats it was. He thought it would be a good idea to use a glue trap to 'tag' the bad cat. All he found was a huge hairball with some glue and paper in the middle, and a bunch of stuff knocked over in his house. The cat got AWAY! He still doesn't know which cat is the bad one. He thinks one of the cats is trying to kill him now.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 19, 2002
Re: Flytape

That hits home Calico. I have 3 cats and haved grown up with them. they can be very sneaky ig getting in to things. they will wait until your not there, then it is a free for all. I have seen cats with tape stuck, they go crazy trying to get it off espcially on their wiskers. It sure is a sight. Never done on purpose, but I have thought of making my own plate of aluminum foil strips and connecting a charged capacitor to teach the cats not to be so sneaky.


Lieutenant Commander
May 27, 2002
Re: Flytape

Scoop, it's very wierd but I also have three sneaky cats and have also been considering charged foil on the countertops!!! Foil itself will act as a capacitor if it's set up with a small batt. just so. I've heard of people charging up metal Christmas trees and even entire rooms with enough zap to arc through the air and knock you out. You have to ground the cat though. Cats....... Yes we love each other face to face, but the second my back is turned... Right now they are catching poisonous spiders and putting them in my shoes.