I have a 1971 25hp evinrude, when I first try to start it (cold) it almost appears to be locked up. I cant even get the pull rope to move,then if i work the throttle alittle forward and back it frees up. Someone told me that maybe the needle isnt seated, dirty or worn and gas is getting in combustion chamber,causing hydro lock also washing all the lube out.It is in neutral when trying to start and it has ran good up to this point,although it has developed a slight miss, not bad, but enough to notice.The miss developed about the same time as the locking deal.Also, why would moving the throttle (giving gas)make any difference when not running? Doesnt it need vacuum for the pump to work? I read on here where if the sun beats on your portable tank it can develope lot of pressure and push past the needle when ya hook fuel
line up.But there shouldnt be any fuel pressure until I prime the bulb.
It has only happened once I believe after I have ran it and stopped to fish for awhile. Am I on the right track(float needle?)Any thoughts or advise is appreciated
line up.But there shouldnt be any fuel pressure until I prime the bulb.
It has only happened once I believe after I have ran it and stopped to fish for awhile. Am I on the right track(float needle?)Any thoughts or advise is appreciated