Passing our passion down to the next Generation is great..<br /><br />Maybe the next generation will will find a way to preserve our polluted steams so the next generation can Enjoy.. Great pic RetNav..
He really enjoys bass fishing, and the only trouble he is having is a tendency to not set the hook. To much brim fishing I guess. On the last trip he caught three bass and none of the hooks were pulled out of the plastic worm. I guess the important thing is he did catch get them in the boat..
tcube, every time I hook up one of the boats to the truck he is ready to go. It doesn't matter if it is the little boat or the big one. (bass or deep sea) He is there. <br /> He almost got ruined the first trip out in the gulf. We got caught in some 6.5' swells and some on the boat got sick. He didn't have his head hanging over the side chumming like some but almost made up his mind to not go next time. All it took was reassurance that Dramamine would keep it from happening to him and he was ready to go..