Fishing Oneida Lake? Any luck?


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 19, 2004
Wondering if anyone else here fishes Oneida Lake? I was doing great up until about August, but more or less since then it seems the fish have shut off for me. :( <br /><br />I've been on the lake for a long time now, but only started drowning worms there this year. I'll bet it's been a good month or maybe 2 since I've had even one walleye in the boat. I know they tend to slow down late summer, but I thought it was supposed to pick up again in the fall? Am I doing something wrong or are they just no hungry? :confused:


Vice Admiral
Jun 8, 2002
Re: Fishing Oneida Lake? Any luck?

howdy JL,<br />have driven by oneida many times but never fished<br />her MYself. do have a buddy there who "says" he<br />kills lake trout in deep water all summer though?


Rear Admiral
Jun 21, 2004
Re: Fishing Oneida Lake? Any luck?

Only iced fished it, years ago. Have you tried switching over to tipping with minnies? Worms are OK here, for spring/summer, but they like something with fins, in late fall.


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 19, 2004
Re: Fishing Oneida Lake? Any luck?

MY...We counted one time and I think we have caught 8 or 9 different species of fish just this summer. No trout though..and we're usually fishing deep? No matter...I'm a walleye man! :D <br /><br />John, yeah we're still using crawlers on dixie spinners (the old stand by). I've been trying out different lures that I haven't used in some time...couple bass and a channel cat, but still no eyes. I'll have to give the minnows a try next time out though...thanks for the tip. What should I be rigging them on? <br /><br />Never have ice fished myself, but I plan on giving that a try this winter too. Can't wait (other than the whole cold and snow part)


Rear Admiral
Jun 21, 2004
Re: Fishing Oneida Lake? Any luck?

The jig is the mainstay for the river eyes, I fish for. Caught three 15-16" eyes, yesterday evening, just before dark. All on 1/4oz fuzzy grubs, but no tippers. Not sure if it would be best for Oneida Lake. Recommend getting to know the local bait/tackle shop guys. They will usually devulge methods and where they are hitting, just might have to listen to some long winded fishing stories. :)


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 19, 2004
Re: Fishing Oneida Lake? Any luck?

Oh, no problem at all listening to long winded fishing some of my own too :D Been thinking I need to follow up with old Charlie at the marina again anyway...I'll have to pick his brain a little more than usual this time. Thanks again for the tips :) <br /><br />Marble eyes better run and hide :cool:


Vice Admiral
Feb 24, 2002
Re: Fishing Oneida Lake? Any luck?

I hit it once or twice a year.It is about 90 miles from here.Last time was toward the end of September.Got some walleyes with stick bait and some trolling with live perch as bait, both after dark.They are a bit deeper this time of year.


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 19, 2004
Re: Fishing Oneida Lake? Any luck?

Yeah, I plan on getting out there at night again this weekend...haven't had the chance in a while. Drowned a few Perch minnows last weekend rather than worms :D and came up with a nice size smallmouth, but that was it. I was only out for a couple hours though. Kept the remainder of my dozen though, so I'll have for this weekend. <br /><br />Where abouts on the lake were you? And how deep? I put in at Callahan Marina at about the southeast corner, so I'm generally on the east end of the lake at about buoy 109. When I spoke to the guy at the marina, he said as far as the walleye, it seems like they've shut off for the time being. :( Seems to be the case for me but I refuse to give up on them...the few I keep are damn tasty!<br /><br />Thanks for the insight!


Vice Admiral
Feb 24, 2002
Re: Fishing Oneida Lake? Any luck?

You taunted me and I went last night,the wife is in Washington for her work ,so I decided to let freedom ring.Could not find any walleyes deeper down so I tried for some ,fairly shallow on stony bottom and there they were hungry and all.I used a bottom bouncer with live small perch as bait.The place I worked is Lakeport shoal