Re: Fishing for Rainbow Trout
Simple speeed and depth. The spoon sinks more than a fly would and the faster you pull something through the water the higher it rides. If you had been drifting the fly would have been a better choice as it would sink slow and stay in the zone better at the slower speed while the spoon would drag bottom. I would say use spoons for trolling and the flies for casting especially to rising or visible crusing fish. Also at the same time you are flyfishing your son could use a mepps spinner and catch fish by just casting and retrieving it. All this said I have to admit I am not the best trout fisherman in the world and perhaps about as far as you can get from it. I do know one more thing about trout if you have a day where all else fails and it is legal don't forget garden hackle (worms); minnows or sometimes tipping a jig with a live bait like a worm, waxworm, or minnow.