Fish Symbols


Oct 16, 2007
Went out first time with new Lowrance LCX-27C Sonar/GPS, last sonar I had was a Lowrance paper graph 15yrs ago. So this is all new to me. The GPS worked good, but on the sonar, I was playing with the intensity, due to what looked like a lot of clutter, saw no fish arches, but switched to fish symbols and it showed fish all over the place, can clutter in water show up as fish symbols? The symbols showed up from surface to bottom, the whole time i was out, about 4 miles, for boatist, it was from Suisun to the mothball fleet.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Fish Symbols

Try turning the sensitivity down, Bill.


Supreme Mariner
Nov 20, 2001
Re: Fish Symbols

The machine has no idea what is making the return and it will assign a fish symbol to any return. You?re best off to turn off the fish symbols and learn what the actual returns look like on the screen. Once you can do that you?ll l be that much further ahead of the game.

As for the arches, they only appear with certain fish, under certain conditions and with the correct orientation to the fish. I can count the number of ?true? arches I see on my machine in a year on both hands.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: Fish Symbols

If you are parked directly over a fish and the fish is not moving, the return will be almost a straight line. If you or the fish are moving, then and only then will you see an arch. I agree though, that you need to turn the sensitivity down. I have a Pinpoint 7520 on the bow of my boat and an Eagle at the helm. Rarely do those two locators display the same returns.


Rear Admiral
Apr 22, 2002
Re: Fish Symbols

I also agree the fish symbols will display every return it get as a fish symbol except the bottom. I turn off the fish symbols and turn the sensitivity up until you get many false returns at the depth your fishing. Sensitivy too high is better than two low with raw returns. If a fish moves thru the center of the cone or you move right over a fish you will see a arch. If your anchored and a fish go under the boat and stay in the shade under the boat you will get a solid line acrossed the LCD. Fish on the edge of the cone will show a return but not a arch as he is not in the cone long enough to draw an arch. In time you learn what a fish and what not.

With fish symbols on You have no idea what actually down there. When you turn the sensitivy way down to get rid of the fake fish you will also loose the real thing.

Caught a lot of sturgeon near the mothball fleet. Here many postester are demanding they remove the mothball fleel because it is poluting the water. You can guess the cities.