fish lost AFTER they were in the boat


Apr 3, 2002
a few of these here and there, worst story i heard was my boss and his brother got into some gaffer dolphin in the outer banks. during that time, his brother pulled one in that dwarfed my bosses 40# bull. when opening the fish box for the next mahi, the BIG one flipped himself right out and back into the water. bro almost threw the mate overboard, estimated weight was 60# or better.


Seaman Apprentice
Jan 12, 2002
Re: fish lost AFTER they were in the boat

great story daddysdream.... i also have one like it, but not quite so devastating. A friend and i were trolling for trout one day in a small lake where we have caught a couple of hundred up to now. Before we went out that day, i decided that i was gonna keep the biggest one to put on the wall, and the rest to eat. The first one of the day was about 22 inches and nearly 3 pounds, the biggest trout i have ever caught, so it went straight in the basket. We proceeded to catch a couple more that also went in the basket for dinner. Then when we pulled up the basket to put the next fish was empty. Oh well, no wall hanger that day, we decided that we could still catch dinner, so we threw the fish in and made sure the basket closed this time. In a few minutes, my friend hooked a fish, and when he set the hook, the line broke. The trout with a five dollar lure in his mouth came to the top of the water, shook the lure at my friend, who is cursing the fish to no end, and then returned to the depths, never to be seen again. When we finally did catch another to put in the basket, again it was empty, so we tied the bottom shut and tried again. This time it worked, and we finally caught enough for dinner. Somehow the crazy fish were just swimming out the bottom of the basket as we trolled. Makes for a good fishing story though. My family still doesnt believe the story since the big one got away and i brought the small ones home.


Jan 6, 2002
Re: fish lost AFTER they were in the boat

Bassman, I have a story simular to yours. A friend of mine and I were bass fishing in a private lake one afternoon. We were catching lots of fish. Well, my buddy hung the biggest fish he ever hooked on a Rattle Trap. Fourtunately it was in open water. When the fish jumped and we saw how big it was I went for the net so he could boat the fish. Right as I was about to get the net under the fish my buddy reached out and grabbed the line. THe line broke, he cussed like a sailorfor 20 minutes. We fished till almost dark and while we were putting the boat on the trailer a fish broke water at the corner of the pier, shook its head and threw that rattle trap back at us.


Re: fish lost AFTER they were in the boat

Some years back, my son (age 9) was determined to catch a Barracuda at the resort we were staying at in Islamorada, FL. He had the patience of Jobe in his quest. On the third day, he hooked into a monster and fought it valiantly for about 20 minutes before the beast wrapped the line on a piling and broke off. He was heartbroken.<br /><br />His grandfather told him to keep it up, those fish are "terratorial" and he'll be there tomorrow.<br /><br />The next day, he went back after him. Just before sunset, he hooked up again. Determined this time, he landed that fish after about a 30 minute fight. After dad subdued the fish we had a close look at it. Sure enough, it had the previous days rig in its mouth. It measured out at 49". The head of that beast is on his wall to this day.