Fish jumping in the boat


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
I swear I am not making this up.

Three-day camping trip with my nephew Jake, 10 years old, at Fairfield Lake, a powerplant cooling lake, year-round temps high enough to support a stocked population of red drum. I got several nice tilapia while castnetting for bait. And about a 3 pound bass, but gamefish have to be taken on rod & reel.

But that's not the point. The redfish weren't biting so we decided to do some bass fishing. Throwing a variety of plastics up in the hydrilla.

Way up in a cove, about 4 1/2 foot of water up against a thick hydrilla mat, a little before sunset, a bass maybe 2 1/2 pounds comes up out of the grass, cleared the gunnel and landed right in the splashwell.

Scared Jake, startled the heck out of me. I just stood there with my jaw on the deck & watched it flop right back into the water. I'm still having a hard time believing it myself. I wonder, is it a good sign, or a bad sign?

Finished the weekend with only one fish caught on a hook, a 4 lb 6 oz. channel cat. Which along with the tilapia made a pretty good mess of fish.


Vice Admiral
Dec 5, 2007
Re: Fish jumping in the boat

I had a similar experience with my little man - except he wasn't much over 2 at the time. We were moving through an area of thick "grass," when a mullet jumped out of the water right into the boat. Scared the poor little tyke about half to death, until I picked the fish up and dropped back in the water.

For months afterwards, out of his little mouth would come "fishie! get out of my boat, fishie!

Bass Man Bruce

Jul 9, 2004
Re: Fish jumping in the boat

It seems that it is a sign that your thread will attract spammers:eek::D:D:D!
Just kidding, I think the offending post will be gone soon.:D


Jul 28, 2004
Re: Fish jumping in the boat

Tilapia is considered game fish????? I wish they live around here. I would have more excuses to go fishing.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: Fish jumping in the boat

Tilapia is considered game fish????? I wish they live around here. I would have more excuses to go fishing.

nah, tilapia is *not* gamefish -- a lot of bowfishers taking 'em from this lake.

In fact, it's a violation of state law to "fail to eviscerate" tilapia immediately. I don't gut 'em in the boat though, too messy. The castnetted bass had to be released.

Not sure about the volunteer though, had he been of legal size (18" min on this lake), and had he not released himself.