First Time Overnight in the Water


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 23, 2006
With summer FINALLY here in the Northwest, I've decided to make a weekend trip out in the Puget Sound this weekend. My boat is a 1989 Sea Ray 22DA Sundancer with dual batteries and a working bilge system that I've been able to test and validate over the last month or 2 since I de-winterized. I plan on either mooring at a buoy near a friends cabin where I'll be staying or parking at the marina (the tides will ultimately drive this, but I'm leaning toward the marina anyways). I've got two bilge pumps in the engine compartment and a third at the lowest spot in the cabin, so I should be good to go there. My batteries appear to be working fine, and I'm going to take them to the auto parts store tomorrow for a voltage check.

My question: I hear of people waking up in the middle of the night with their bilges completely full of water, why is this? If its ever happened to you or someone you know, can you explain how this happens and what I should look for before I leave the shore?

I currently keep my boat out of the water and this will be the longest I've ever had it in water at one time and would rather ask the question now then learn the hard way later. Aside from a few ounces of water that comes out of the drain plug when I pull it out of the water every time, the bilge system seems to be working and the boat doesn?t seem to be taking on any water, although I will admit that I haven't had it in the water for longer than ~8 hours or so since I've owned it.

Any other advice is greatly appreciated!

Steve Mahler

Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 10, 2006
Re: First Time Overnight in the Water

Relax. I have always wet slipped my boats, so I suppose I have just gotten used to it, but a boat doesnt magically just sink. If the bilge pump is good, you dont normally experience any leaks, and there is no hurricane, you will be fine.

I would suggest your first nights on the boat be tied to something, not anchored. Slip overnights are not nerve wracking, you are tied to a dock in shallow water. Build up confidence before anchoring - and also have a GPS with a drift alarm before anchoring.

BTW, if really worried, you can rig an alarm to your bildge. On my cruiser i have an alarm tied to my mid cabin pump....theory being if there is water there, something is very wrong. Bad weather can bring water into my aft bilge all the time.


Vice Admiral
Aug 18, 2007
Re: First Time Overnight in the Water

What Steve said- boats don't magically sink. If you don't have a leak now, the chance of developing one during the precise time you're spending a night on the boat, are pretty slim.

If you maintain your boat, inspect any through hulls that are below the waterline, keep your outdrive bellows in good shape, everything's gonna be hunky dory.

My wife and I have stayed out exactly twice so far, both times on the hook, and it never even occurred to me that we might sink. i know that everything below the waterline is ship-shape. Relax and you'll have a great time. It's really a lot of fun.



Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 23, 2006
Re: First Time Overnight in the Water

Thanks for the help! I'll let you know how it goes.

robert graham

Apr 16, 2009
Re: First Time Overnight in the Water

We sleep/camp on the boat all the time, never any leakage, only water can be rain water, bilge pump takes care of it. How can you sleep if you have to worry about hull leaks?..better check it out real well before you go.


Jul 10, 2005
Re: First Time Overnight in the Water

Usally the first time out you will wake every hour or when ever you hear any little nosie. After that it will be good enjoy your self you will love it.:)


Lieutenant Commander
Mar 20, 2008
Re: First Time Overnight in the Water

Spent 3 nights on the water this year so far. Never anymore water in the bilge with us there than without.

I would suggest your first weekend at a Marina. Just in case you need to run out and grab things, or start to feel cramped in the boat.

Dick Sorensen

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 5, 2008
Re: First Time Overnight in the Water

I camp out alot.....think of it as the ultimate waterfront property!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 12, 2010
Re: First Time Overnight in the Water

Here's something else every overnight boater should be aware of (see the link below). I doubt you have a generator but the same thing can happen if you are moored near another boat that does have a generator. You may want to make the small investment in a carbon monoxide detector.

Not to hijack or misrepresent or make light of this...

My Class A Motorhome CAME with a CO detector. I think that any alternative power vessel/vehicle/camper that uses a generator SHOULD have a CO detector...

I know with my RV, the CO and LP detector will chime in now and then but it is a battery issue...

Too sad to hear of stories like this when a $50 appliance could have saved them...

Cheers... ( I guess)

Home Cookin'

Fleet Admiral
May 26, 2009
Re: First Time Overnight in the Water

Here's the crazy part about your post: "I hear of people waking up in the middle of the night with their bilges completely full of water, why is this"

Don't plan your trip with this expectation. Those "people" (if there is more than one) have very dangerously defective and unseaworthy boats that should not be out, day or night. You may as well worry about the engine blowing up.

Every boat should have a float switch on the bilge pump, especially one that is moored. No bilge should ever "fill up" except in unusual circumstances like plowing through a wave.

So verify that your boat doesn't leak. Any unexplained water, enough to pump out, after 2 hours and you have a problem that must be fixed. Since your boat is old and new to you, get a professional to inspect your bellows and seals-I think you'r esupposed to replace them every 10 years but I'm not the one to say; I use outboards.

No matter what you do, you won't sleep well the first night. Took me years at our island club due to boats being tied up with difficult tides. Scotch helps.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 6, 2008
Re: First Time Overnight in the Water

The first night I stayed on my boat I woke up 3 times from dreams about being sucked through the dam!!! Sheeesh! The funny tricks a mind will play on you when you're sleeping! But, it's a rush when you get that realization that it was all just a dream and you and the boat are still there! LOL


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 21, 2009
Re: First Time Overnight in the Water

We frequently sleep on our 18 footer; no worries 'till chilly nights when one of the dogs tries to steal the blanket.