First Rig-out


Feb 3, 2008
I recently purchased a used 2006 Honda 40HP outboard complete and I am pleased with the motor and the deal. Now I am going to rig out my Carolina Skiff with it and am a bit unsure of what I will be doing. When you buy a new motor in the box from a dealer, does it come from the factory with rigging instructions or are you just supposed to use your mechanical smarts to figure it out? Where can I get guidance?


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: First Rig-out

Since the motor is used I would have asked that question at the time of the sale. I will move this down to the Honda section and perhaps other owners will lend some guidance.

Chip Chester

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 17, 2012
Re: First Rig-out

I bought a new 50, and no rigging info was included. I assumed it would be on the net. No such luck. In fact, several dealers told me I couldn't buy it. Don't know if that was really true, but in the end, I had to plead my case to a parts guy (while buying a complete gauge set, wiring harness, and control) and when a few backordered parts arrived the following week, a complete set of service manuals (from the previous year) was in the box. While it's not rocket surgery, it looks like there are some details to attend to.

I'm currently re-powering my 1965 Carver 16', and this fall will be assembling all the pieces. Time will tell if I have all the right information.
