First Boat Got ?????


May 31, 2005
Hello,<br /> Im new here, Im looking to get a boat. I live near Lake Huron in Mi. I found a 1989 Four Winns Freedom 160 w/ 3.0 omc drive (is this a good motor?). for $3000. seats need replaced, the out drive was rebuilt. all else looks ok. what should I look for and what questions should I ask? Im completely New to this<br />are these style of boats ez to work on?<br />Im up in the air about getting a I/o Or a out drive is the real difference just a preference on what one likes?<br />any advice would be great!! <br />what years did the cobra drive start? I heard these were the better drives <br /><br />Thanks in advance.


Dec 21, 2004
Re: First Boat Got ?????

I know others will probably feel different, but I personally would never buy an OMC of any kind. (Stringer drive or Cobra drive). Not that they are junk, they aren't. But getting parts for them is difficult at best. And expensive!<br />Mercruiser or Volvo Penta are the current manufacturers of sterndrive systems. Stick to them if possible.<br />As far as the 3.0 engine, do a search on here & you'll find the most common "problems" with them. From the post I started, it seems that they are a good engine, a lot of them out there, and they tend to be in a lot of "first time" boats. Best of luck


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 17, 2004
Re: First Boat Got ?????

In my opinion, you should keep on looking. I think in order you'll be more disappointed with the 3.0 lack of performance, and the 16' size, than you will be with the fact it is OMC.<br /><br />I bought an 20' 89 with 5.0 V8 and OMC Cobra outdrive in 2004 and have been very pleased with the size, price and performance. It pulls like a champ, can hold 10 and runs very well. But it is a nagging thought in the back of my mind that I am living on borrowed time. When I do have an inevitable problem at some time in the future, it will not be fun. Spending more for a larger (20')newer "used" boat with a V6 or V8 Mercruiser may pay dividends in peace of mind, fun and future resale.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 20, 2003
Re: First Boat Got ?????

I have a 1984 4WINNS 160 with 120HP Mercruiser and I like it, but many of these engines, including mine, have a "bog" or hesitation when you give it gas. I have to usually be very careful when trying to pull up skiiers to keep it from dying. I love the 16' size because it fits into my garage by removing the trailer tongue! Saves storage costs and I can get to it any time I want. I only need to carry 5 people anyway. <br /><br />I assume you have taken a test drive (long enough to get engine hot for awhile), and probed all around for soft spots that would indicate rotting wood. This is a common problem with old boats and a lot of work or cost to fix.


May 31, 2005
Re: First Boat Got ?????

No I haven't tested it yet. Im still in the looking mode. so thats why Im probing for experience. I dont like to impulse buy. this boat was close by and was one of my options w/ out traveling to far. <br /><br /><br /> also Im thinking about a outboard boat. some thing w/ a mercury outboard Ive found a couple near buy. whats the experience w/ these? I was told to stay away from Force motors. is there a advantage of one over the other? I/O -v- Outboard that one prefers. <br /><br />thanks everyone,


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: First Boat Got ?????

Ayuh,............<br /><br />About the Only Thing that Could be Worse,..........<br /><br />Would be a 198Something Bilgeliner,...... With an OMC,...... For $4000.00.................... :D <br /><br />Do like WillyT says,........<br />Stick with a drive that It's Manufacturer is Still in Business............<br />There's Lots of Great Boats at Great Deals out there,...........<br /><br />Keep Looking............. ;)

Harold Paratestis

Seaman Apprentice
May 25, 2005
Re: First Boat Got ?????

recommend the biggest boat with the smallest OMC. That way bondo will have something to talk smack about. Ever since that girl with the OMC dumped him.....<br />EDIT: :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


Chief Petty Officer
Apr 30, 2005
Re: First Boat Got ?????

Harold, Do you have a big or little Paratestis? I wanted to do an experiment and I think you would be the perfect person to help me. Ill supply you the boat and I would like you to go out in the middle of the lake, pull the plug, jump back in and give it all heck in reverse and tell me what the WOT is.


Oct 2, 2004
Re: First Boat Got ?????

Keep looking, Merc and Volvo aren't going anywhere anytime soon, unless one buys out the other.