Re: Firearms on board ??
I would check with each state which you will be traveling through. I used to know all the laws from here to Oklahoma and it was diffrent for each. I had to follow a locked in trunk, carried in luggage, three move rule and such it was odd moving it from one place to another so I broke a good many of them because a gun in a trunk did me no good if I was driving. I followed what a couple friends who are/were officers in a couple of states recomended which was a three motion rule whic consists of opening the glovebox (now console) removing it from holster and then arming it by operating the slide. It was suggested to me that if you felt threatened enough to perform all three moves then the use of a firearm was called for and you would end up getting off with a decent lawyer. Now to the realy good stuff boating laws are different especially here. The state says any fisherman going about his pursuit may carry a firearm for protection. This may be concealed or openly carried. This means I can carry my gun into the bait shop if I want to but it would be a test of the law LOL. I also know certian types of S/W fishing almost requires a firearm to subdue your quarry but I feel any fish I have to shoot to be able to keep I don't want anyway.