Finishing impeller change on BF100


Apr 21, 2008
Hello, I am in the process of replacing the impeller on 10HP 1987 Honda BF100 and I dropped the lower unit (after unscrewing 5 bolts above the prop and disconnecting the shifter shaft at the top by the shifter lever). I proceeded to unscrew the 4 bolts on the impeller housing and now the housing will come up about half an inch but that is it. It looks like I have to disconnect the drive shaft from the lower unit and pull it completely out to actually get the impeller housing off and access the impeller; is that right? How do I do that?
Thanks a bunch!


Jan 18, 2003
Re: Finishing impeller change on BF100

You should have the motor in a position to be able to completely side the shaft free of the power head and place the lower unit in a vice or something to hold it while you do the water pump. I just did my mid 90's 15hp last year and did not have to do anything w/the drive line. It is splined to slip out and then back into the power head.
I did disconnect the shift lever from the lower end because the connecting nuts were stripped/cross threaded together by the factory.


Apr 21, 2008
Re: Finishing impeller change on BF100

Thanks for the answer, but I'm still not quite getting there. The drive shaft is loose from the power head at the top. While trying to completely free the lower unit, the problem seems to be in the shifter shaft, which (even though it is loose at the top from the shifter lever), the shifter shaft has a nut or something down the middle of it preventing me from being able to simply pull it out. I cannot really tell what is it that's blocking it from coming out, but I do see something at the tip of the extension case where the shift rod enters it...
Is the impeller housing supposed to raise over the shaft followed by the impeller coming off the same way or something else?
Thanks again.


Jan 18, 2003
Re: Finishing impeller change on BF100

The 2 nuts that you see is supposed to be used to seperate the shift lever while it is reverse. It you can get the lower unit back up enough, loosen the smaller nut and then the the lower one screws down the threaded shaft to release it.
Yes the impeller goes over the shaft, it has to come out of the motor. If you can release the shift shaft on the lower end, may try that, but with the shift shaft loose from the top it should slide all the way down. At least mine did, but I had lots of room under the motor to work with.


Apr 21, 2008
Re: Finishing impeller change on BF100

Great. Thanks for the answer again! I'll give that a shot first thing in the morning, but I can foresee another problem - I am able to raise the impeller housing by only 1/2 inch now even though I have much more room. It seems like the housing is stuck on something and will not travel up the drive shaft. Once I get the lower unit completely disconnected, would you happen to have any advice on how to actually get the impeller housing raised over the shaft? Could it just be stuck and should be forced off or does the drive shaft have to be in a certain position or something completely different?
Once again, thanks a bunch for your time.