Finding TDC on 470


Jun 16, 2013
It's been a long time since I took a motor apart so here's my question. I understand that 20 lbs on a torque wrench is what is called for when reinstalling the head after a gasket change. #1 TDC to start so do I set the engine at TDC on #1 before pulling the head and is as simple as watching the the rotor on the distributor or do I have to do the #1 plug pull and stick my finger in the hole trick?Not easy when your 8 feet from the ignition switch.How do most of you accomplish this?


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Finding TDC on 470

It's been a long time since I took a motor apart so here's my question. I understand that 20 lbs on a torque wrench is what is called for when reinstalling the head after a gasket change. #1 TDC to start so do I set the engine at TDC on #1 before pulling the head and is as simple as watching the the rotor on the distributor or do I have to do the #1 plug pull and stick my finger in the hole trick?Not easy when your 8 feet from the ignition switch.How do most of you accomplish this?

Ayuh,.... Have ya got the valve cover off yet,..??

If so, turn the crank 'round til the timin' mark is Tdc,...
At that point, both valves on #1 should be loose,...
If only 1 valve is loose, turn the motor over 1 more turn, to Tdc....
Then both valves will be loose,...

Btw,... Ya turn the motor with the belt, or wrench,... Not the key,...
Mar 27, 2010
Re: Finding TDC on 470

Either do as Bondo says... or remove the plugs... and turn the engine by hand (with the plugs out using a 1/2" drive ratchet and socket on the front crankshaft bolt) in the normal direction until you feel air pushing your finger off. Then continue turning until timing mark on rotor is at 0?.

You have the torque rating WAY wrong for the head....

Three steps 55 lbs, 90 lbs then finally 130 lbs:

Here's Service Manual 8 already on the correct page for you to reference:
Boatinfo - Mercruiser Service Manual nr. 8 - 1985-1989 - Mercury Marine 4 Cylinder Engines
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Jun 16, 2013
Re: Finding TDC on 470

20 lbs was for the rockers.That is why I was wondering the TDC. It states that #1 cyl has to be at TDC when reinstalling the head.Now that I pulled the head without finding TDC first.