I have a Yamaha 150. Unfortunately it appears the transom plate was lost in some damage, and I am looking for other means to correctly identify the model type and year so I can get a manual- even general ones split either side of 1989.<br /><br />Is there anywhere else that the no is stamped like a car engine? - surely there must be other ways of identifying it.<br /><br />It is a Yamaha 150 2 stroke, 2.6L (2596cc) V6 Autolube with power trim & tilt.<br /><br />I have found the following part nos on it if it helps;<br /><br />head casting - 6E502 Y - 2<br />top of leg- bottom half where cover fits - 6G402<br />carb body6G404 S 621400 131P 6Z02L<br /><br />Alternatively does anyone have a contact no at Yamaha that can help?<br /><br />Would be very, very grateful as now desperate for help.<br /><br />Regards<br /><br />Boston