Finally a politcian with some sense

Kenneth Brown

Feb 3, 2003
Culberson plan would authorize border militias<br />46 co-sponsor anti-terrorism bill aimed at stopping illegal immigration<br />By SAMANTHA LEVINE<br />Copyright 2005 Houston Chronicle Washington Bureau<br />WASHINGTON - Adding an unusual proposal to the searing debate over illegal immigration, U.S. Rep. John Culberson of Houston introduced a bill late Thursday to let Texas and other border states establish armed militias to catch people trying to illegally cross from Mexico and Canada.<br />The bill, which he called a "thunderclap," is more than a solitary, symbolic gesture by the Republican lawmaker: It has 46 Republican co-sponsors.<br /><br />It comes as the White House, Congress and local officials are becoming increasingly immersed in efforts to find the best way to secure the borders and perhaps also establish a "guest worker" program to let immigrants stay in the United States as temporary legal residents.<br /><br />Gov. Rick Perry indicated he is open to Culberson's idea.<br /><br />"Illegal immigration has become a pervasive problem in this country, and it is a drain on our economy," Perry said. "Regardless of the mechanism, the federal government must provide a stronger presence along the border and must provide substantially more funding for border protection."<br /><br />Among Culberson's co-sponsors are 10 Texans, including freshmen Reps. Ted Poe of Humble and Michael McCaul of Austin.<br /><br />The measure's stated goal is to let governors create a Border Protection Corps of citizens to shield the country from "uniquely devious, criminal, cowardly and fanatically determined" terrorist organizations.<br /><br />Culberson said the militia provisions in the Constitution must be invoked because the U.S. Border Patrol lacks the resources to deal with any surge in illegal crossings by people who may have ties to terrorist groups.<br /><br />"The tools are all there in the Constitution," Culberson said. "America's best defense against terrorists trying to sneak into our country is to trust the good hearts and the good sense of American citizens."<br /><br />He pointed to the militialike Texas Rangers, which formed in the 1830s and had several violent clashes with Mexicans and robbers in the border area in the early 1900s.<br /><br />In addition to serving as an anti-terrorism measure, Culberson's bill appears to be aimed at stopping illegal immigration by those without suspected terrorist ties.<br /><br />It would essentially create an authorized version of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, the Arizona-based group that sent hundreds of volunteers to patrol the state's border with Mexico and has plans to expand to Texas and California.<br /><br />The militias would require participants to be free of criminal background or history of mental illness. They would be authorized to "use any means and any force authorized by state law" to stop illegal crossers and hand them over to federal authorities.<br /><br />Funding for the militias would come from some of the unspent portions of the $6.8 billion set aside by the federal government for emergency workers who would be among the first to respond to terrorist acts.<br /><br />The money would also go toward detaining, housing and transporting those who are taken into custody. In 2004, Border Patrol agents intercepted 1.1 million people illegally entering the country.<br /><br />Immigration rights advocates and other critics of the Minutemen could not be reached for comment after Culberson announced his bill.<br /><br />


Rear Admiral
May 29, 2004
Re: Finally a politcian with some sense

Funding for the militias would come from some of the unspent portions of the $6.8 billion set aside by the federal government for emergency workers who would be among the first to respond to terrorist acts.
Don't like that. Put NAFTA into play. Bill Mexico for the inconvenience.


Re: Finally a politcian with some sense

It will never happen as long as illegal aliens are voting.

Ron G

Apr 28, 2005
Re: Finally a politcian with some sense

thers a talk radio guy trying to get somthig passed here to stop the hireing of ilegals he wannts to create a person for going after companies that hirre them,charge 20,000 dollars for each he says it wouldnt take long for the word get out if you hire them youll be fined one bust in a resturant or a hotel or better yet a orchid and people will be scrambling theres going to have to be something done,this a hot topic around here.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Finally a politcian with some sense

I have to admit that most of the "recent" immigrants are hard workers and for the most part good solid family types. (No absolutes) I feel terrible for their situation and the historical icon that the United States represents being changed. I don't think that the regulations regulating citizenship are appropriate for the times. And the FLOOD of people comming and the threat of terrorism forces a closing of the boarder. By whatever means and failure to do so by the government is a deriliction of duty.<br /><br />I have little or no faith in a militia or state army forming to seal our boarders on a go forward basis.

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Oct 10, 2004
Re: Finally a politcian with some sense

Not sure what the he11 the above post said.....sounded like one of our congressman talking. This is a simple matter that some people are trying to make complex. We have laws and policies about immigration.....let's follow them. If it takes citizens to do the job, then so be it. What is so hard about this, there are two ways to enter this county, one is the legal way...the other, the illegal way. Illegals need to be turned back, sent back to their country or shot on site....simple. We are not responsible for what happens in Mexico, we are responsible for our country...USA. Our country is going to pieces over this, time to stop that. I recently changed banks because my old one asked what language I spoke before I could make a transaction....what is the question...I am in Ohio.....what other language should I speak ? When they said Spanish.....I took my money out of that bank.


Vice Admiral
Feb 24, 2002
Re: Finally a politcian with some sense

Every time I hear a politician say that illegal immigration hurts our economy,I have to say "Liar".The rules of economics are based on supply and demand.There obviously is a very large need for laborers who are willing to supply this demand at a low market price.The only thing is that the labor performed is not very popular among americans and if not for mexicans the jobs would go unfilled.<br />It is thanks to illegal immigrants that american farmers can survive foreign competition in the fruit industry.It is thanks to illegal immigrants that marginally employed americans can afford fresh fruit and vegetables for their children.<br />I am not a Bush fan, but Bush is right in not acting forcefully to solve the illegal immigrant problem,simply because the problems created by not having this work force available, are much harder to solve and reach much deeper into society.<br />Please show me all the american citizens who would be happy to provide the labor at the same productivety level that most illegal immigrants provide.<br />Maybe we should do an exchange and send a useless professionally unemployed american in return for every hard working mexican who enters the country.<br />Remember those words that went like:"Give me your poor......?"<br />Anyways,I guess what I am trying to say is that every politician who talks about immigration,terrorism and militia in one sentence,does not care about the problem,but is using big words to get more votes for himself from a group of people that do not have any power and he is more than happy to exploit them for his own interests.


Jun 16, 2004
Re: Finally a politcian with some sense

Remember those words that went like:"Give me your poor......?"
Matter of fact I do. They are on the Statue of Libery, given to the US by France. France put that on the statue, we didnt. ;) <br /><br />There are in fact laws on the books for legal entry into the country. Follow the laws and become a legal immigrant, I have no problem. My wifes family did it this way as a matter of fact in the '60s.


Re: Finally a politcian with some sense

I live on the border. I can speak, with some authority as to what illegals are doing to this country.<br /><br />The thought of "Who will fill those jobs" is so much jibberish.<br /><br />We used to have a program for those that wanted to come here and work. At least we knew who they were and where they were. Now, we have NO idea.<br /><br />Since we have stopped the legal "guest worker" program, those illegals that do come here are trapped here. They cannot come and go as they please. So, they sneak in and have NO intention of assimilating. Nor, do they pay taxes or SS. They are under the economic radar. Money, sent home from illegals, is Mexicos second largest cash generator. No wonder they won't do anything about it.<br /><br />Have you ever talked to an illegal? I have, many. They DO NOT want to stay here. They want to come and go, but they can't. However, our politicians are hooked on the illegal vote/drug. Some of the illegals, not all, are hooked on the benefits we hand them.<br /><br />My main point is that we have NO IDEA who is crossing and who is here. That is DANGEROUS.


Nov 17, 2001
Re: Finally a politcian with some sense

That is DANGEROUS. You got that right DJ.. And Bush better get with it! He is not doing enough!! And gas prices are just fixing to cause us a problem.. Cause everything else but my paycheck is going UP!! I see a recession comming... I hope NOT!


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Finally a politcian with some sense

Fellas, youve got to follow the money.<br /><br />Big business wants to keep illegals coming cause they can pay them small wages. As soon as you put in a "guest worker" program, then the labor is no longer cheap.<br /><br />What will this mean to you? Anything illegals do now (crops, contruction, etc) will double in price.<br /><br />Are you willing to pay?<br /><br />I know I am, but just wanted to make sure you are.<br /><br />As for the idea, I am all for it. If I had more free time, I would help. My wife legally immigrated to the USA three years ago, and every illegal alien is a slap in the face of that long and tedious process.<br /><br />Ken


May 15, 2004
Re: Finally a politcian with some sense

Illegal immigration does hurt our economy. Before I moved I was a member on the Board of Directors for a non-profit ambulance company. We ran 2000 calls a year with a HIGH percentage of that being non-paying illegal immigrant traffic. Our average transport from our highly rural area into a hospital was 5.5 hours round trip. Figure mileage an EMT and a medic for that trip and it begins to add up. That hospital didn't get paid either. And sometimes the patient was critical and was air-evac, they didn't get paid either.<br /><br />Sure my lettuce is cheap, but my hospital bills are outrageous, maybe that is part to blame.<br /><br />Border Patrol is tasked with an impossible job. They can't shut down every inch of the border, it will never happen.<br /><br />I believe that the US spends $$$ on training areas for our military to practice and run drills on. If our military "moved" their practice to the border, we would have tanks, helicopters, etc playing war games on the border. They already have night vision, etc and would be a highly effective detterent to foot traffic.


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 17, 2002
Re: Finally a politcian with some sense

Ken... add EXPENSIVE to long and tedious process. We (my wife) is going through all that now. It really pisses her off to hear about the illegals coming into the US, paying no taxes and getting medical, etc. At least she speaks our language for Pete's sake, works and pays her taxes.


Lieutenant Commander
Sep 1, 2004
Re: Finally a politcian with some sense

I don't care what PC jibberish folks try to use when justifying illegal immigration. The bottom line is it is ILLEGAL. For those that don't understand please read the following:<br /><br />illegal[1] <br />(adjective) : not according to or authorized by law : UNLAWFUL , ILLICIT ; also : not sanctioned by official rules (as of a game) <br />illegal[2] <br />(noun) : an illegal immigrant<br /><br />I don't care why they want to be here. I don't care if you want them here or not. There is a LEGAL process for entering this country. I have no sympathy for the illegals crossing the borders (north and south). Sure, life is hard sometimes. My grandmother came here from Armenia after the Turks killed most of her family. SHE DID IT LEGALLY. She was one of the best Americans we've ever had. She learned the language,(spoke better english then most) and made useful contributions to our society. Our polititians need to quit pandering to the non-citizens and start protecting this country.


Re: Finally a politcian with some sense

Big business wants to keep illegals coming cause they can pay them small wages. As soon as you put in a "guest worker" program, then the labor is no longer cheap.<br />
BIG BUSINESS DOES NOT HIRE illegals. Big biz is watched to closely to do someting illegal like that. Get over it.<br /><br />Small business does, for various reasons. I understand small biz plight. They are:<br /><br />1. Overwhelmed with government mandates.<br /><br />2. Forced to hire degenerates.<br /><br />3. Over taxed.<br /><br />4. Over regulated.<br /><br />I feel for the small businessperson. Our government has made it almost impossible to survive. That's why they turn to cheap labor. Understandable.<br /><br />But, get it out of your collective heads that BIG BIZ is the problem. <br /><br />ILLEGAL immigration is the problem.<br /><br />As said previously, does anyone understand the term: ILLEGAL?

Vlad D Impeller

Mar 30, 2005
Re: Finally a politcian with some sense

"BIG BUSINESS DOES NOT HIRE illegals. Big biz is watched to closely to do someting illegal like that. Get over it."<br /><br /><br />Walmart is not a small biz, and it was not so long ago that they were caught redhanded with illegals on their payroll.


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Finally a politcian with some sense

Big Biz does hire illegals through the use of subcontractors.<br /><br />And plus now days most illegals can easily obtain SS numbers and documentation. The big biz knows they are illegal, but dont care cause they have all the documents.<br /><br />There was a story on 20/20 a few months back, it was all very easy to get fake papers and it was a large corp doing all the hiring of illegals. I think it was a meat processing company.<br /><br />Ken


Re: Finally a politcian with some sense

Come on Ken, you believe that 20/20 crap? You're smarter than that.<br /><br />Just HOW DEEP should big biz have to dig? <br /><br />Nobody would have a job, under those circumstances.<br /><br />NOBODY is perfect. It all depends on how far one wants to dig. Where is the end? For the government, there is NO end. Endless resources (yours and mine), endless time. But, one has to realize who is doing the digging.<br /><br />The 60's "establishment haters" have succeeded. They hated everything American, and it filtered into the schools, where the hippies landed. They couldn't make it in the "real world" so, they choose to destroy it.<br /><br />This "American experiment/freedom" is failing, from within via "public/government education.<br /><br />We have no idea just how blessed we are/were.


Lieutenant Commander
Sep 1, 2004
Re: Finally a politcian with some sense

Originally posted by DJ:<br /> <br /><br />The 60's "establishment haters" have succeeded.
^<br />Not until myself and many others are room temperature. :D <br /><br />I wonder if those same Hippies still say not to trust anyone over 30? :eek:


Re: Finally a politcian with some sense

I wonder if those same Hippies still say not to trust anyone over 30? <br />
Nope. They're all thinking-OH CRAP!!!<br /><br />"We don't trust anybody UNDER thirty". ;) :D