fiberglass boat or all welded steel


Mar 17, 2006
I have had only two boats,a small 14 ft fiberglass fishing boat with 9.9 evenrude.And now a 88 glasstream bowrider that I put a deck and trolling motor on. I am now saving 100 a week in a christmas savings at work for the soal purpose of graduating to a 90-96 bass boat.I will have 5200 come this November if nothing happens and I dont have to use money for another emergency. I have buddys that have bass boats and thought thats what I wanted until ive seen some center consoles and also the deep v such as the tracker targa and the lunds. I have not rode in any of these other types. I like to bass fish,crappie and catfish.Please tell me what u have and why u like it.


Fleet Admiral
Dec 29, 2003
Re: fiberglass boat or all welded steel

For performance, you can't beatr fiberglass (or composite). Welding causes warpage. Look under any metal boat and and molded boat. There's no contest. There's only so much you can do with a sheet of metal. Molded boats can and do have many subtle and not-so subtle formations that you can never do on a metal boat. All of that fine tunes hydrodynamics where with metal you hope for the best.


Supreme Mariner
Apr 26, 2002
Re: fiberglass boat or all welded steel

They both have their good points I don't like<br /> glass because they are generally heavier,can absorb water with age,can craze and crack.Can be difficult or impossible to repair.A guality built glass boat will resist some of these problems.But will remain heavy.<br /> I like aluminum because it is lighter generally doesn't have the problems of the glass boat and a quality boat will resist cracking,loose rivets<br />and related problems.The aluminum boat with a bottom similar to glass will ride about the same<br />though the lighter boat may ride a little harder.<br /> Both boats will have trouble with maintaining true form over the years.Both high tech glass and aluminum hulls have trouble keeping hull form under extended use.If fact it has been found wooden high tech hulls maintain their form better than either metal or glass.<br /> Be sure to research laid up glass and chopper glass hulls.And check the gauge of the metal in aluminum as well as ribs and stringers.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2005
Re: fiberglass boat or all welded steel

Well, I have had both and my current boat just happens to be a metal bass boat. Agree on the limitations of metal in the forming process, but I like the lightweight and this boat I decided I was going to fish out of, and not baby it. My last boat was a fiberglas Ranger and I didn't want to scratch it. If I want to drive this one up on the sandy beach and walk out I will; no more of this anchoring offshore and wading in.<br /><br />It trailers easily, handles easily and runs like a scaled ape with a medium hp engine (90 hp on a 17' boat easily does 49mph and could do more with tighter prop). Has a 3 step padded hull and is very soft riding and fast, due to the vee hull and pad.<br /><br />It is not noisy as are a lot of tin boats because it is a bass boat and below decks is solid polyurethane blown in foam. Plus all the decks are covered in carpet. It's built by RiverTrail who also builds the trailer it sits on. They have a web site. I can't list it rules. If you go to their home page it is the one at the top of the page in the blue oval......the one going fast.<br /><br />HTH<br /><br />Mark


Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2005
Re: fiberglass boat or all welded steel

More. I didn't shop for this boat. I wanted a steal of a price. I shopped right before Christmas in an area that has been suffering from a year long drout. Some lakes were 11' low. So boats were kind of useless.<br /><br />I saw this one in a "boat trader" magazine and it was about 15 miles from the house. Went and looked. The price was right and the boat is turning out to be the best one I ever had.<br /><br />Mark


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 5, 2004
Re: fiberglass boat or all welded steel

It all depends on what....I don't know.<br />I've been in many of both.<br />Glass boats are faster. <br />Glass boats are more Solid feel.<br />Glass boats ride better.<br />Glass boats "might" hold up better as far as roughness, vibration, etc. Most everthing in a metal boat will be held in place by fasteners of some sort that can work loose with vibrations. Then again, stuff is easier to remove if need be (floors, consoles, etc).<br /><br />Most times weight is about the same once the either is ready to go.<br /><br />Then you have different parts of the world.<br />Up north, The sun rises and sets with Lund and Similar metal boats.<br />In the south, the same applies to a Ranger or similar glass boat.<br /><br />BUT, that also has something do with the design as well. You can't say a Lund is a tougher boat because it's used in rougher waters. <br />WHY? Because it's a boat that was designed for use in those waters.<br />Let a Lund follow me one day (I'll drive slow so it can). That boat won't hold up in these waters like a Bass boat.<br />You can't say a Ranger is a tougher boat either. Same reason. Get me on a big lake rough lake I'd need the Lund to slow down so I could keep up.<br /><br />Those boats are nothing alike and can't be compared. Not sure if you can even compare similar "like" designs between glass and metal boats.<br /><br />I'd say make a list of what you want to do, how you want to get there, and, and, and, be specific. Then talk to SEVERAL dealers and see if they can provide you with exactly what you want.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2005
Re: fiberglass boat or all welded steel

More. Well the last 2 days we had from 10" down to 4" in the surrounding areas; got 5.5 at the house. Christmas is over and looks like the drought is over.<br /><br />Plus my wife said she would go fishing with me. Today UPS delivered our new rods and reels from Cabellas.<br /><br />Life is good.<br /><br />Mark