Few Questions


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 3, 2010
Ok, I've done my best to search the forum so I don't have to ask such simple questions, but I can't see to find an answer to them so I have to ask and sound like a noob.

1) When adding oil to the fuel, what method do you guys use to get it in there? I bought a funnel with an open/close valve and a sealable resevoir with graduated marks for measuring. This set up seemed like a great idea but has proven to be too much of a pain. My girlfriend's dad uses water bottles with lines at every 4oz. Seems like a great idea to me but I wanted to ask if anyone else had any other suggestions.

2) When adding oil, I've already determined that I need to I need to run 50:1 but I'm not sure about if I need to mix it with fuel before pouring it into the tank or if I can just pour it straight in. Any advice on what needs to be done?

3) Finally, when I fuel the boat, fuel will either shoot from the fill spout or or the overflow vavle. There doesn't seem to be an auto shutoff. I've checked the vent line and it's clear but it will still sometimes spit out of the fill neck. Also, the gauge is very bouncing when fueling so it's pretty hard to get and accurate reading. I guess what I'm trying to ask is, is it normal for a boat to spit fuel back and if anyone has a fueling tips for a noob.

Thanks everyone!


Supreme Mariner
Mar 25, 2004
Re: Few Questions


1) a 50::1 Gas oil mix requires 16 ox oil for 6 gal of gasoline. That is 8 oz oil for 3 gal gasoline. Figure out how much gasoline you intend to put into the fuel tank, in three gallon increments, and add the correct amount of oiil. 15 gal gasoline requires 1 qt plus 8 oz oil. (6gal+6gal+3 gal).

2)If you already have some fuel in the tank, just dump in the proper amount of oil or the gasoline you intend to add. If the tank is dry, add 1/2 the oil and then the gasoline and then the remaining oil.

3)Boat fuel tanks always overflow when filled. You need to have an idea how much fuel they will take and slow down the pumping when that are nearly full. They should accept gasoline just as fast a car does

Frank Acampora

Supreme Mariner
Jan 19, 2007
Re: Few Questions

Some marinas will hold a rag over the vent to stop spillage from entering the water.

There is also a plastic bottle that is attached to the hull by suction cups and fits over the vent while filling to catch and overflow. I boats might even sell it.

Since my boat has a low spot in the filler line, I like to estimate how many gallons of fuel it will take then add the oil. Since there is so much more gas than oil, the little bit that stays in the low spot won't matter as much as if oil was held there.

As you get to know your boat and engine, you will find that your fuel consumption estimate should become rather close--close enough not to make a difference in oil.

And, if you miss on the oil, you really won't be that far off. Older engines used 25 to 1 and some VRO engines used 100 to 1. So if your oil is somewhere between 40 to 1 and 60 to one, the engine will not notice it. So, pretend you have a half tank (18 gallons) of 50-1. Now, worst case, even if you thought it was empty and added six pints of oil (50-1 at 36 gal) you would have nine pints for 36 gal or about 32-to 1 and that's like break-in mixture.

The other way, if you estimated 12 gallons and added 2 pints of oil, you would still have 5 pints for 36 gallons or about 56 to one. --Still close enough, but if you are a worrier, just don't run at full throttle. The 50-1 mix is only needed at WOT.


Seaman Apprentice
Mar 27, 2009
Re: Few Questions

I just use a measuring bottle. If you pump 'x' number of litres of fuel in, fill the bottle to the corresponding line for whatever ratio you want on the measuring bottle. Dump it in the fuel tank, screw the top back on and your good to go. The bottle I have is calibrated in litres and gallons, and 25, 40, and 50:1 ratios.


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