FD-22 Impeller pin replacement


Apr 29, 2008
Okay, so I have this motor just about back together, but have run into one minor glitch; The impeller pin on the drive shaft. I can't remove it! Its somewhat chewed up (My best guess is that the previous owner tried to remove it and chewed it up with pliers in the process). This creates two problems for me:
1. Its a probable point of failure for the water pump.
2. I can't lower the impeller plate on the drive shaft.

does anyone have any suggestions on how to get it out: I tried the technique I was recommended for removing the wodruff key, which is to use side-cutters to grip and lever against the driveshaft itself. I didn't apply too much pressure for fear of stripping off even more of the pin. At least for right now there is enough of the pin to hold and turn the impeller.

My "final solution" was going to be to use a dremmel tool to grind out the old pin, then replace it. I was trying to avoid that scenario, though, b/c I am always leery of anything that might weaken the drive shafts.

My intrim solution was going to be to use the dremmel to grind a small notch in the pump housing plate so I can at least get it around what remains of the pin, since as I stated before there is still enough pin left to lock into the notch on the impeller hub.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.
