Favorite Christmas Memory


Chief Petty Officer
Oct 4, 2011
What is your favorite Christmas Memory from years past???

Mine is when i was a young lad, Going to Grandma's for Christmas. Lots of presents, lots of food, and most important lots of Christmas Magic.


Fleet Admiral
Jul 8, 2010
With the loss of my Dad recently, the different memories flowing through my mind are always changing, and probably evolving, but I have to say my favorite, is the dedication my parents showed to us kids to have the best Christmas ever, growing up, as with many we were not a rich family in fact at times we were quite poor, but I can't remember a Christmas that was not toy filled and a ball. Both of my parents would sacrifice all year long to make sure we had a great Christmas. Those presents that "Santa" brought have taken such a new meaning this year, silly as some of them were, they have become special, rock um sock'em, barbie doll play houses, GI Joe, who used to "Date" barbie, boy there are so many!

Chad Flaugher

Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 2, 2015
Yeah, when my mom was alive Christmas was a month long affair. As soon as Turkey day was over, out came BOTH Christmas trees, the house was lit up like Griswald's, she made more Christmas candy that we could possibly consume, and don't get me started on the indoor decorations! When I went to my mom's for Christmas the first time with my wife, my wife cried. Why? Because we didn't have a big enough house for all the presents my mom bought our kids! We have our own traditions now, and they're great. Christmas with mom will never be outdone!


Fleet Admiral
Mar 21, 2009
OH, it is so ironic you brought this up.-This year the parents and my brother are coming for the BIG FEED up here in the north pole zone.
And I took on the task to do something we have not seen or done for a few years.
Way Way Back-when grandma would have the family together for Christmas one of the things that as a child stood out and that was the bubble lights on the Christmas tree.
So, I am now on the hunt for strings and bulbs, I found one set locally but need a few more bulbs and strings. #6 bulbs are not as easy to find as you would think and repairs are a total surgery for those old 40-50-60-70 bubble lights (see you tube repair)

S.A. Baker

Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 9, 2015
I remember the bubble lights! I thought they were pretty cool! Extinct though arn't they? Probably against some law or something! I still have the Daisy spitten image manufacturing BB gun I so wanted when I was12 or so. Though the air seal gave up years ago. Parts are long obsolete.... bummer. :(


Nov 29, 2000
MTboatguy, my story is the same as yours. Didn't realize till I was older what they sacrificed each year. As a kid I was all about the stuff and the absolutely joy when they woke us up in the middle of the night after they made some Santa noises. As a parent of 4 myself, I know what they did. It was only later that I recognized how special they really made those times. My Dad passed away 2 years ago tomorrow with my mom preceding him just about years before him.


Vice Admiral
Apr 22, 2008
Can't pick just one. Like others it hasn't been the same since the last Christmas I got to share with my mother, 2006. This year will be the 1st Christmas the wife and I get to spend alone, all the children have grown and have moved on so Christmas morning will be all quiet.

Most recent memorable would be a few years ago. Wife and I decided to have one last big Christmas dinner with the family so she ordered a 16lb. Prime Rib roast to feed everyone. When she brought it home I almost fainted. Jokingly I told her that's not a roast that's a whole beast! She had to cut it in half to get it in the oven. Turned out to be a great meal and an even better party.

Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season this year and good health to all!

bonz_d aka Kevin


Staff member
May 29, 2003
Probably the best memory of Christmas growing up was sharing it with others. There were always people at our house for Christmas ... many international guests, singles with no place to go, families that were displaced from their extended family ... hey, if you didn't have a place to go for Christmas, our place was the place to be. Generally anywhere from 25 on a down year to 50 on a slightly crowded year would congregate at our house to read the Christmas story, say grace, and partake of turkey, ham, and venison. And mom would find out Christmas eve, or even Christmas morning that someone or some family was having Christmas alone, so they would be invited to come, yet somehow she always managed to have enough food, and a present under the tree for them. We "lost" many a present over years because she was changing name tags before the guests arrived, but it was all good and much better to give and make others happy that to get that toy or gift we really did not need.

So, if any of you need a place to go on Christmas, our house is open ...


Chief Petty Officer
Oct 4, 2011
Bonz, this will be the first Christmas I have not decorated the outside of the house, The youngest has left the nest but the youngest Girl Child and Boy Child are in the area and will be home for Christmas. This will be the first year my parents wont be here as we now live across the country from them. On the Bright side is I will always be home as I am no longer deployed and Active Duty. Like all the rest, My parents and Grandparents sacrificed to make sure all the kids had a magical Christmas and my wife and I have done the same thing for our crew. Today, there are 8 kids, with 9 grandkids. I am looking forward to spending as many as i can making them memorable for my grandkids now, and the Sailor who is deployed is always welcome in my home when they are here.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
I had a "pet rock" before there were Pet Rocks!! Mine was one I found at Luray Caverns one summer - was a tennis ball sized Mica rock. 1963 or 4? too long to remember exactly. But I placed it under the tree with a ribbon addressed to Santa. Of course, it was gone the next morning and I was pleased....

A few months later I found it in one of the dining room hutch drawers!! Then realized that "Mom" was Santa :eek: :topsy_turvy:

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
RBH, here is a site with bubble lights. http://www.noveltylights.com/bubble_lights

I remember my mother bringing home a new aluminum christmas tree that she got for free for working at Mirro every year. and every year we gave it away. I wish Mom still had those.

I miss those that have departed, spending time Christmas eve and Christmas day with ham, Perogi, and lots of pies.

I miss setting up the old Lionel train set around the tree