Probably the best memory of Christmas growing up was sharing it with others. There were always people at our house for Christmas ... many international guests, singles with no place to go, families that were displaced from their extended family ... hey, if you didn't have a place to go for Christmas, our place was the place to be. Generally anywhere from 25 on a down year to 50 on a slightly crowded year would congregate at our house to read the Christmas story, say grace, and partake of turkey, ham, and venison. And mom would find out Christmas eve, or even Christmas morning that someone or some family was having Christmas alone, so they would be invited to come, yet somehow she always managed to have enough food, and a present under the tree for them. We "lost" many a present over years because she was changing name tags before the guests arrived, but it was all good and much better to give and make others happy that to get that toy or gift we really did not need.
So, if any of you need a place to go on Christmas, our house is open ...