I'm getting near that age - I want a label maker. tired of looking for things.
Not big bucks, but useful.
So you could print a label to stick to the bathroom mirror that reads:
You used the weed eater out back around the shed. When the string broke, you went to the garage & got the spool of trimmer line. Tried to remove the spool head & load it w/ line, but the head wouldn't come off. So another trip to the garage for some vice grips and an extra large flat blade screw driver. Back out to the shed. Finally managed to pry the spool head off the weed eater, but also buggered up on of the out feed holes for the trimmer line. Around to the garage again for an awl or punch to clean up the feed holes.
{side note: Why the )#&*^$% did we build the shed so far from the garage??}
After spending 20min looking for the )@(&*#$ awl, you got irratated & went inside to yell at someone for 'getting into' your tools & not putting them back. It was about lunch & the game was on, so you had a cold adult beverage & a nice ham sandwich (w lettuce & tomato, so 2 servings of rabbit food were consumed today.
Hey, aren't hops & barley rabbit food? So another serving w/ every cold & frosty.
Once the game was over, our team sucks, BTW, at the end of the 3rd quarter WHAT was the coach thinking????
Anyway, it was getting late, and having had a few cold ones, you decided to finish weed eating in the morning. And left made label so if you get sidetracked tomorrow, you'll know:
You left the weed eater disaseembled along w/ a large screwdriver, a pair of vice grips, the spool of trimmer line and the 2cyl mix gas outside behind the shed and NEVER did find the (&*(^ awl.......
PS: YOU probably left the awl in your back pocket the last time you mowed & the Admiral probably found it in the hamper. You might try looking for it in the laundry............
I don't know it seems like it's a lot to try & type into a label maker, and it'll take up quite a bit of room on the mirror
So, RBH, what DID you end up getting your dad for his early father's day gift?