Extended boating trips away from home. Spares?


Petty Officer 3rd Class
May 5, 2010
Every year I spend at least 2 weeks camping and boating on Lake George. Last year was a complete nightmare, still fun but just a nightmare. Decided not to bring my boat and I was meeting up with friends that had a boat up there. I get up and on the way to the island, we camp on the islands. His boat breaks down. Something major with is outboard, still don't know what it is. So I got another friend to drive the 500+ miles to bring my boat up. We spend the next 2 days enjoying the lake. Then my starter went bad. 4 days, 2 broken boats, far from home. We called it quits early and got a tow back to shore and headed home.

So onto the question. This year I'm bringing my boat for sure and we have my friends boat again if he get's it fixed, but not counting on it. What spares do you care, would you care? I've ordered a spare starter and spare alternator. Have 2 starting batteries and 1 Deep cell. Spare VHF radio. What else do you guys recommend?

floats around

Apr 28, 2011
Re: Extended boating trips away from home. Spares?

Huuummm... Hard to answer without knowing how you care for and maintain the boat... and the boats maintenance history. Last time it was tuned up, changed belts? If EFI, IAC is aging (they go bad). I'd replace that as well as the fuel pressure regulator anyway (if applicable), and check the other sensors that make the engine idle and perform. KS, IAT, ECT, TPS and MAP too. If the boat is the 1988, and has not had these items tended to, you may have issue after issue. Can and should all be replaced as standard maintenance on a boat 23 yrs old. My opinion though, others may not agree. Bring motor oil, drive oil, other fluids as necessary. Keep after this stuff. Or if a carb, rebuild it and change the EGR valve. Of course, dist cap, rotor, plugs and possibly plug wires.

This may sound like a lot, but I purchased a 16 years old boat, spent about $600 on all the sensors, regulator, tune up parts and put it in myself. Since the engine has great compression, no concern-able mechanical "noise", replacing all this stuff gives me the confidence that I can turn the key and go.... Just like I did all year last year, and expect to for the next 5 years to come. The expense is about the same as one ruined vacation / day or week end out on the boat. The peace of mind is priceless!


Rear Admiral
Nov 13, 2008
Re: Extended boating trips away from home. Spares?

Build yourself a ditch bag. I think the Coast Guard still has a list of things to put in it on their website. I carry one in my boat all the time because you just never know what's going to happen. VHF radio is a good idea but get yourself a personal GPS locator also, that's just cheap insurance.

If you don't already have it, get US Boat towing insurance and carry a spare Visa card just incase you get low on your debit card and can't transfer funds. That's saved me on more than one occasion.


Vice Admiral
Aug 18, 2007
Re: Extended boating trips away from home. Spares?

Give serious thought to what you'd be capable of replacing while you're away from home. Taking a spare starter might be a good idea, but if it fails, will you have the tools, expertise and access to swap it out... or are you going to waste a day of your vacation before you give up in frustration?

I generally carry things like fuel filter, spare belts, hose bandage, a used spark plug cable and coil cable; and the used cap and rotor from the last tuneup. Fuses, some heavy gauge wire and connectors so I can effect temporary repairs. Duct tape. A Leatherman and a few other tools.

I don't go crazy- if something major fails I'll call BoatUS towing. Find out if BoatUS or Seatow provide service on Lake George, and buy a policy. They're cheap.

My .02

Joshua Nichols

Jun 29, 2009
Re: Extended boating trips away from home. Spares?

I carry a lot of crap on my rig as far as tools and extras go.. Guess cause I am a mechanic..
I got a nice tool set.. Could do about anything I want with it in the boat.. Fits perfect under my jump seat.. I also carry a little bag.. Has some tools in it too(Like a hammer and pliers), but mostly extras..
I got a spare belt, relays for my trim tilt( this one saved my day), duct tape( the good gorilla kind will hold anything) Extra wire, fuses, test light, electric tape, flashlight, can of spray lube, motor oil, ATF for the trim, extra prop with hardware and a bag of zip ties(a must)..

All these things are tucked away on the boat and you wouldn't know they was there less you went looking..

If I was staying as long as you.. I may carry a few fail safes as you have, but only if I already had them.. I wouldn't go buy a alternator and a starter just for the trip.. BTW I think you have any battery problems covered:D...


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: Extended boating trips away from home. Spares?

I feel your pain.

I live about 45 minutes from Lake George and there is a HUGE lake George mark-up there. I am actually happy I know who to call and where to get my parts in my area.

You can carry everything but, you know what you need will always be forgotten. :(

Preventative maintenance ....... I would spend the extra bucks up front instead of the "emergency bucks".


Petty Officer 3rd Class
May 5, 2010
Re: Extended boating trips away from home. Spares?

All my preventative maintenance is taken care of, and I have a full tool set to do just about anything mechanical on the boat at all times. Just looking for suggestion on what extra parts to bring.

fuel filter - Good Idea
spare belts - Check
hose bandage - Check
spark plug cable - Check
coil cable - Check
used cap and rotor - Good Idea
Fuses - Check
heavy gauge wire - Check
connectors - Check
Duct tape - Check
relays for my trim tilt - Good Idea!
Fluids - Check

Regarding BoatUS and Seatow, I believe Seatow was the only service up there and I brought their policy last year just for that trip. When I needed them and tried to get them on the radio I found out they closed 2yrs ago, but their website sure doesn't say that!

Thanks for the tips guy!