Exploded view! 50esl73r...

Panhead Jim

Mar 4, 2013
Of all things to find busted, I had to find the lower rubber mounts busted. They were original and the fact they were shot was completely ignored by the PO. That of course led to destruction of top and bottom swivel bushings, seals, thrust washers. OMG. My garage looks just like an exploded view of a 1973 Johnny 50. I ordered nearly $700 worth of parts yesterday. I was told by a marine mechanic friend that the motor "wasn't worth it." He don't know me too well, do he?

Anyway, I never thought I could do it, I've always worked on cars and bikes, but never OB motors. Was kinda scared to even try. But I knew I could not pay the labor to have this done. That same mechanic friend quoted me $1,000 labor to do it. Now I know why. And in his defense, I think he just wanted to discourage me from spending a bunch of money on a relict. I know when I finish it will be worth it. In piece of mind and reliability. And in satisfaction of knowing how it all works. I know I can't get the money back out of it and I don't care.

I don't really have a question at this point; I am now an expert (not in economics)!

Panhead Jim

Mar 4, 2013
Re: Exploded view! 50esl73r...

Yes I do have a question, too. What do you folks use for A) gasket and plate sealant, and 2) nut and bolt dressing, and III) assembly lube? Be specific, please...
Thank you all.