Exhaust not connect to outdrive?

Aug 25, 2020
I recently purchased a 1975 Bayliner with a Mercruiser 165. I have discovered that the exhaust is not connected to the outdrive - the hose/connection is missing from the exhaust manifold to the out drive. If I can get the engine started, does anyone know if I can run for a short time this way? Will the cooling water just go gown to bilge and out the drain plug?

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
no, you want to replace that long before you start the motor. also, based on your other threads, you will want to pull the motor out get it on a stand to work on it as you may be rebuilding the motor anyway. at that point, you just run it on the stand.
Aug 25, 2020
Thank you Scott. Today I connected a battery and bumped the engine. I am certain the whole outdrive will need to be pulled and worked on. Before that happens I was hoping to see if I could get the engine started. So I could not connect a hose from the exhaust and direct it all the way down to the bilge bilge and the water would drain out the drain plug? I have attached a picture of where the exhaust if disconnected.

I think the previous owner had a cooling problem/out drive problem I found a cooling pump in one of the part boxes that came with boat (it looks new). The hydraulic hose is disconnected. The water hose intake house is disconnected. I have seen videos where they have attached a garden hose at the intake for cooling water. I was planning on doing this and have the exhaust run the bilge to see if I can get the engine started. Unless you think this is bad idea. This is of course after I check the compression, change the spark plugs, points, condenser, etc. .


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