Re: exhaust flappers.
I spose. it's gonna be a b*tch if we open er up and find it has good flappers and the ones we found we left over from when the first engine overheated.....
So you've heard of engines getting ruined cause they had bad or no flappers? My mechanic hasn't. He said "If you're aware, just always outrun the wake or turn to avoid it."
"So you've heard of engines getting ruined cause they had bad or no flappers? My mechanic hasn't." That's interesting........ Is he new at this? Deffinately would have those shutters (flappers) in there and in good working condition. One big gulp of water from a following sea or big wake, or hard deceleration getting into a running engine (or even a non-running engine) and it could become a lawn decoration / planter. They are there for a reason other than for Mercruiser to make money on replacement exhaust parts.
Seems strange an '04 Mercruiser V-6 would have 1 piece manifolds / risers set up. I am not farmilliar with that specific setup, though. Thought they did away with 1 piece setups years ago for the better 2 piece design. I have only seen 1 piece setups on older inboards, so what do I know.
I replaced my shutters when I got the boat, after first full power run and engine began to run hot and didn't seem to have as much power as a big block should, kind of a dog... Pulled off risers from manifolds and inspected everything. Risers clean as a pin (almost new), but with wrong gaskests on them. Removed 4" exhaust hoses / elbows and looked down in the "Y" pipe. Shutters were toast. Removed old shutters and low and behold, who ever installed them last time, left the old ones down in the "Y" pipe. Some real Einsteins / 1/2 *****ed "mechanics" out there working on boats...... Can we say severe exhaust restriction here? Fished old ones out with a wire with a hook on it, installed new shutters, reinstalled hoses, elbows and risers (with correct gaskets this time, but that's another story). What a difference........................... Way more power at WOT, I can now get up on plane much faster, hit recommended 4500 RPM full speed far quicker, engine never got over 160 deg F and much lower fuel consumption.
Yes... Keep the shutters intact / installed.
Yes... Ditch the 1 piece manifold / riser setup (if that is actually what is on there) and opt for the 2 piece, as you can replace just the riser if / when it goes bad and not the whole exhaust and it makes maintenance much easier.
Yes... Remove / replace the old / dead flappers
AND the ones lodged in the "Y" pipe. Those dead ones in the "Y" pipe are creating an exhaust restriction, robbing horsepower, increasing fuel consumption and possibly creating an overheating condition. The dead ones in the pipe are made of Stainless Steel and can eat a hole thru the aluminum "Y" pipe, creating a water leak into the boat. You would need to pull the engine out to change that pipe. If a hole is created, an unattended boat in the water could sink....
Yes... Get a new mechanic