Re: Evinrude won't start!
You haven't told us the model number (for year) of your engine yet, Angie. There have been several iterations of the 115HP engines and which one you have is imporrtant in deciding how to advise you.<br /><br />There comes a point in the age of an engine when it is less expensive to replace it with a similar age engine in good order than to pay someone to do major repairs. It doesn't make economic sense, for example, to pay $2,000 or $3,000 to overhaul an '80 115 when it can be replaced with a good '80 for half that price.<br /><br />That is why you see so many DIY wrenchers here.<br /><br />As Rick points out, your engine in good shape would compress 90 to 130psi on all cylinders but most important, all 4 would be within 10-15psi of the others. Your 60psi cylinder is bad. It is probably the same one that was bad before and may have never been fixed correctly at all. It will need to be repaired. That might even require reboring and a new piston.<br /><br />The backfiring is a symptom of a different problem: ignition timing. It must also be repaired, though it is likely to be a simpler and less expensive repair.<br /><br />Let us know the model number so we can give you better advice on what to do next.