I bought a '94 sea nymph with a 70hp evinrude w/vro in May. It ran perfect for the one tank of gas I ran through it. I finally got a few days off to go to go on a fishing vacation. Yeah you guesssed it, first trip out, got about a mile away and stall. Limped it back to mechanic and he said "no prob, just powerpack",so I picked it up, put it back in the water, and it wouldn't idle. Gave up, and came home early. Brought it to local mech here and he says #2 is badly scorched, needs complete rebuild. I didn't have any alarm go off for vro. How could this just happen out of nowhere. Do I just chalk it up to bad luck? Contact seller? (Private party) Second opinion? Any thoughts on rebuilt engines would be appreciated.<br />Thanks<br />Darren