Evinrude Oil Leak?

Dean Almquist

Jul 15, 2001
I have a 1979 Evinrude 25hp long shaft that is dripping an oil/water mixture on the driveway. It appears to be coming out of the small drain holes on the sides of the lower casing. I took it to a local marine shop and s=was told it was a seal up inside the gear box and would need to be replaced. They would have to take off the lower unit to get at the parts with an estimate of about $75.00-80.00. I then had another marine dealr look at it and was told it was just unburned oil in the water and that was where it normally drained out and was due to extensive running at low and trolling speeds. They said just to run it at high speed for a few minutes before taking it out of the water and not to worry about it.<br />Has anyone else ever experienced this with an OMC? Which one of the places do I trust, both are very reputable places. I also have a 25 hp Mariner and have never had this happen with the same uses.<br />HELP!!! I don't want to damage the motor, it runs just great otherwise.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 3, 2001
Re: Evinrude Oil Leak?

Dean....<br /><br />Remove the gear lube drain plug from the lower unit and inspect the grease that's running out. If water is present, it will have a light colored creamy appearance. If that's the case...you are looking at replacing the seals. If you are not sure how old the raw water pump is...you really outta consider replacing it at the same time.<br /><br />Walt

adrian bick

Feb 28, 2001
Re: Evinrude Oil Leak?

Have a shop pressure test the lower unit , if seals are bad and leaking you will find them by this method. Good luck