Evinrude 9.9 Model Year and Repair Help??

Nov 13, 2003
Guys: Can you tell me the year of my Evinrude 9.9hp Outboard?<br /><br />The Model # is E10ELCDB<br /><br />It is a long shaft. I just bought it for $300, but am having a really hard time getting her to start.<br /><br />She runs barely for 5-10 seconds then dies. The previous owner says she was winterized last several years ago and it did run well before hand. The engine is also very clean.<br /><br />It has electric start, but when I put power to the pos and neg cables, nothing happens at all.<br /><br />Hoping someone can help out. I haven't pulled the plugs yet or done anything else. Wonder if it needs a carb rebuild? Fuel pump?<br /><br />Anyone?<br /><br />Thanks folks,<br /><br />John from Madison, CT


Supreme Mariner
Jan 23, 2002
Re: Evinrude 9.9 Model Year and Repair Help??

John<br /><br />That's a 1986 Model you have there. Best to start with a carb rebuild for the running problem. Also, change the lower unit lube and put in a new water pump. Use fresh fuel mixed at 50:1 ratio with TCW-3 oil. A manual is a nessesity for maintenence like this.<br /><br />Manual can be purchased at the bottom left of this page and will explain how to do all this. Also, here's some good reading at the link below. All the parts are available at your dealer or online if you prefer.<br /><br /> Factory Manual(Recommend Highly) <br /><br /> Good Reading and info<br /><br /> Carb Kit <br /><br /> Impeller(Water Pump)
Nov 13, 2003
Re: Evinrude 9.9 Model Year and Repair Help??

Rick: <br /> You're a good man. I know alot more about my Yamaha 250EFI than I do this small 9.9hp Evinrude.<br /><br /> Real dissappointed she didn't just fire up and run like the dude who sold it to me said it would. Darn !<br /><br /> So, I guess it's time to spend some time and money to try and fix her. <br /><br /> The previous grandson of the owner claimed it was over 3 years since it was ran last. Put claims it was winterized too though. Suppose if gas wasn't drained from the carb's, this could explain the reason she only runs for 5 seconds, then dies. <br /><br />What ya think?<br /><br />John


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Evinrude 9.9 Model Year and Repair Help??

Hi, John.<br /><br />Your symptoms sound like a fuel pump failure to me.<br /><br />Have you tried putting power to the starter solenoid or to the starter?<br /><br />Let us know. :)


Supreme Mariner
Dec 27, 2002
Re: Evinrude 9.9 Model Year and Repair Help??

John, if ya' lived around here you'd be accused of theft for gittin a 9.9 for that price.<br /><br />I do believe the guys got you in the right direction. Do make sure the engine is in neutral before trying to start. The start in neutral switch will prevent it from starting.<br /><br />Keep us posted...thanks.


Chief Petty Officer
Jan 11, 2003
Re: Evinrude 9.9 Model Year and Repair Help??

CT,<br />That's a sweet motor. I have one same model and don't be disappointed because someone else didn't take care of it. Once she's up and running, it will do you proud. Fuel pumps are rarely a problem, the puget sound site is a great walk-through if you don't have a manual. Get you one, though and you'll find lots of info and more importantly - pics to help you remember where things go back. Good luck and keep us posted.


Supreme Mariner
Jan 23, 2002
Re: Evinrude 9.9 Model Year and Repair Help??

John<br /><br />That's why I kinda figured the carbs are gummed up from your saying it sat for 3 years. Even if it was winterized properly, the fuel in there would still be bad after that long. It may not be a bad idea to check out the pump, too. As this also could be affected from the sour fuel and deterioration over time from non-use. One of the worst things you can do with an outboard, is not run it occasionally. Even if it's only once a year!
Nov 13, 2003
Re: Evinrude 9.9 Model Year and Repair Help??

Guys,<br /> <br /> I took the carb off and is wasn't hard either.<br /><br /> Got the OEM rebuilt kit. Problem is, there seems to be some extra parts that aren't in my carb.<br /><br />1. There is a small wire that is connected to the "needle" of the needle and seat. Not on my current carb. Can't figure how it goes either.<br /><br />2. A couple of plastic pieces too, kind of like a red ring? What's that?<br /><br />3. I need to know what requires adjustment. Seems the "low speed" screw/needle is about 1.5 turns out. Is there anything else that needs adjustment?<br /><br />4. I had to replace the plastic cam-like thing that makes the rear throttle plate move. It was cracked. Installed a new one, but want to know how many turns to turn that hex headed tiny screw. Does that do anything more than adjust idle speed?<br /><br />Thanks for your help guys, I really need it.<br /><br />John <br /><br />


Chief Petty Officer
Jan 11, 2003
Re: Evinrude 9.9 Model Year and Repair Help??

the wire holds the needle onto the float, it should be attached to the needle and just slip the other end of the wire over the metal tab on the float. If you remove (back out all the way)the low speed adjustment, the red ring is kinda like a washer the loww speed goes through and should have a notch to line up with in the carb. The plastic things are to replace the packings, you may not have to replace those. Some rebuild kits have parts that cover several motors and you may have extra parts not for yours. Go backto the puget sound site and re-read the carb rebuild...should help. Especially about getting the float horizontal, etc.<br />good luck,<br />Knob