Evinrude 85hp


Aug 2, 2001
I'm after a little advice.<br /><br />I'm in UK. I have an Italian friend (in the lakes, what a convenient holiday home!) who has a 1981 Evinrude 85hp. I heard it running a few weeks ago. It seemed to run OK but was a pig to start. She now tells me that her boatyard says "the cavity where the<br />piston enters is scratched/damaged". He didn't do a compression test and I'm not convinced. I feel the need for another Italian holiday coming on!<br /><br />I'm a vintage car nut and know little about boat engines - but any engine is only a collection of bits, some of which go up and down and some of which go round and round, bolted together by man, and therefore can be repaired by someone with adequate skills and spanners. My question is;<br /><br />I understand its a V4, and I suspect it may be 2 stroke. Can anyone confirm this and point me to any on-line info about these engines, so I can at least get a feel for what I might be commiting myself to.<br /><br />TIA<br /><br />PaulW


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: Evinrude 85hp

The motor is a 2 stroke. The first item to check would be the spark plugs. Since these motors run on a gas/oil mix the plugs tend to foul. Based on the age of the motor the plugs would be a good start. If you have experience with cars then the cleaning of the carbs is also very straight forward.<br /><br />A good bet would be to order a repair manual online. There are quite a few available.<br /><br />Good luck.


Rear Admiral
Jul 9, 2001
Re: Evinrude 85hp

Do the compression test. The cylinder is damaged becaused of broken ring, burnt piston, broken piston, common problem .