Evinrude 70 boggs down


Aug 4, 2001
I have a 1978 model Evinrude 70 that will not run past idle. When the boat is put in gear and a little throttle is applied, the engine boggs down and dies. Last season the boat ran fine after warming up. This year the darn thing acts up. I did leave fuel in the thing over the winter months. I have put fuel stabilizers and cleaners in the gas as well as new plugs, but nothing helped. I have been told by fellow boaters that I need to overhaul the carbs. If this is true, how difficult would this be? I am somewhat mechanically inclined and would like to do this if it is not too difficult. And my last question is If I buy the overhaul kits, how hard is it to set up the carb? Any help or recommendations are welcomed.


Jan 19, 2001
Re: Evinrude 70 boggs down

Your carbs need a rebuild and good cleaning. If your motor is a three cylinder with three carbs the center carb on the number two cylinder supplies fuel to the upper and lower carb. Those carbs have a low speed and high speed orifice which are prone to getting gummed up, especially if you left fuel in the over the winter. The good news is that carb rebuild kits are fairley inexpensive. If you do the maintenance make sure that you clean the orifice in the float boal especially good. That is the one that gums up the most.