I just bought a 1988 Eagle 351 with an Evinrude 60hp outboard (don't know the year of the outboard). The trim control stopped working so I can't tilt the engine up or down, and the engine will not crank. The battery is fine, the lights and the bilge work fine. This happened while the motor was running. The guage that shows the trim of the engine, all of a sudden looked like I was raising the engine...when I tried to adjust up the engine up or down, it wouldn't move, and couldn't hear the small whine that I normally hear when adjusting trim. So I shut the engine off so that I could hear better, and when I was sure that the engine was not lifting up, tried to restart the engine...wouldn't even turn over. I've been looking suspiciously at a solenoid at the back of the engine...it resides between the battery and the starter on the engine...if this were bad, would it affect the trim motor also? Is there a fuse or something that I should check...I was also thinking of buying your Volume II (seems to be the one for my year boat) book on Evinrudes, would that manual cover this type of topic?<br /><br />Thank you, I'm really very new to this...<br /><br />LeShrum