Engines compatible with Penta 270? '84 Bayliner Capri


Feb 7, 2009
Hi guys,
I'm new here, and I'm happy to have found such a great site. I did a lot of searching on this particular topic but I have not had any luck.

My question is, what (if any) engines are compatible with the outdrive on an '84 Bayliner Capri 19' with the original AQ125/Penta 270 combo?

I have an extra Chevy 350 sitting in my garage that could go to good use. I also have access to quite a few other motors. I realize that it takes more than just compatibility... there's the cooling, motor mounts, etc. etc. but I'm trying to find a starting point.

I'm getting this boat for free so it's more of a fun experiment than an OEM restore. Please excuse my ignorance, I have a lot of experience in the automotive field but very limited in the boat and marine world. Thanks!

Best regards,

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Engines compatible with Penta 270? '84 Bayliner Capri

Wouldn't waste my time with it. The gear ratio is WAY off from what you need for a 350. (no, a prop change won't do it) then you will find you don't have the right exhaust Y for a V8 or anything marine for the engine. You would also have to find a flywheel cover, flex plate for the flywheel. marine fuel system, starter, and alternator, raw water pumps, manifolds, risers. cam, core plugs in the block, marine circ. pump, and on and on.
Lots of things different in a marine and automotive setup, and then trying to adapt Chevy to Volvo 4 cylinder makes it even worse.
If the 125 is usable, fix it, or replace it with a similar Volvo 4 cyl. enjoy it or sell it and get something different. But unless you have a lot of spare cash laying around, forget the conversion.


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Engines compatible with Penta 270? '84 Bayliner Capri

Ayuh,... Welcome Aboard,....


Jun 30, 2008
Re: Engines compatible with Penta 270? '84 Bayliner Capri


http://vppneuapps.volvo.com/ww/PIE/Disclaimer.aspx?n=138472&r=2003-10-27-10-02-16&t=PDF1P&a=7735623&p=T403&d=Owners Publication&s=5258293&lang=en-US

Have a look at this link. Its the operators manual for the aq125a.

I think a few 4 cylinder volvos shared the same blocks in that era. Carbs and cooling systems may vary.

There may be additional info at volvopenta.com

You can't use your 350 because it is the wrong gear ratio. Has to be the 4 cylinder.:rolleyes:

Where is the original engine?


Feb 7, 2009
Re: Engines compatible with Penta 270? '84 Bayliner Capri

Thanks guys,
I see the list goes on and on. I'll have to see how motivated I am to do the conversion or not. I did find a P270 bottom half that's geared for a V8 for a couple hundred bucks. I might be able to piece the rest of it together with junkyard parts or marine salvage.

I guess my main underlying question left is, will the bellhousing of the V8 mate to the outdrive? A Chevy V8 is a 90 degree configuration.

I suppose the place to start is evaluate the motor that is in it. The story is that it ran when parked but it's been sitting for something like 10 years. I'm guessing that it will likely be salvagable with a fresh gaskets, seals, lubrication, fluids, cleaning and some TLC.

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Engines compatible with Penta 270? '84 Bayliner Capri

I guess my main underlying question left is, will the bellhousing of the V8 mate to the outdrive? A Chevy V8 is a 90 degree configuration.

Chevy doesn't make Volvo bellhousings, Volvo does. Volvo buys complete engines (longblocks) from GM, then does the marinization. And it is not done with Chevy parts.