Engine will not stay running without choking


Jul 25, 2011
I have a 40 hp evinrude that after a couple 3 attempts to get running properly I am at a loss. The carbs have both been soaked and cleaned, new tank, pressure bulb, fuel filter and lines. The engine will start fairly easilly but will not continue to run without feathering/ pushing the key/choke on the shift controller. Is it possible that the electronics within the fuel and oil mix pump or the choke soleniod may be causing any of the troble. Any ideas?


Lieutenant Junior Grade
May 8, 2011
Re: Engine will not stay running without choking

Try squeezing the primer bulb and see if it will continue to run! post results!


Jul 25, 2011
Re: Engine will not stay running without choking

Thanks Monte, My buddy was checking that while I was working the choke...It was keeping a prime.


Jul 30, 2006
Re: Engine will not stay running without choking

Your symptoms are that of dirty carbs. Not uncommon to have to do them a time or two to get them clean enough. Assuming you set your needles after tear down? It is normal to sometimes have to push the key again during warm up but not right to have to keep doing it beyond one or two minutes. Best of luck. Rick.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
May 8, 2011
Re: Engine will not stay running without choking

was the bulb staying hard while it was running? and did it continue to run? post back. I am thinking the carb/s are going to have to be overhauled due to the fact you said you have to keep choking it to keep it running. It's a very common problem! Good luck and let us know what you find. BTW: primer bulb should only stay hard at first and after running it will get soft, at that point the fuel pump takes over!


Jul 25, 2011
Re: Engine will not stay running without choking

Thanks, I am going to soak and clean one more time. The primer bulb does relax after the motor starts. We had sprayed carb cleaner around carbs checking for leaks with no change...do you suggest rebuild kits at this point. Thanks again for the help looking in the right place.


Jul 30, 2006
Re: Engine will not stay running without choking

If you haven't put new kits in in the past three years I would sure do it now while you have them off and torn apart. Rick.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 3, 2008
Re: Engine will not stay running without choking

In my humble opinion, carb soaking is highly overrated because it is after all only one step in the carb cleaning process. Unless you use some mechanical means of cleaning the passages, a lot if not all the crud is going to stay in there (like swirling mouth wash and expecting your teeth to get clean without brushing or flossing.) I use a piece of .010 gauge (or smaller) guitar string to ensure the tiny passage clustered around the butterfly in the carb throat are clear. I spray carb cleaner through to ensure it is coming out there, blow it out with compressed air, then repeat the process. I don't want to put the carbs back on intil I am certain the gas is able to make it from the bowl, through the slow speed jet, to the carb throat. For me the biggest hastle is removing/reinstalling the carbs.

Sorry if I sound preachy, but everyday there is at least one member with classic signs of slow speed carb circuit restriction that say they have already cleaned the carbs.


Jul 30, 2006
Re: Engine will not stay running without choking

Not preachy at all. Sounds like a very thorough approach to getting the job done well the first time. Not sure what us non-guitar guys will use but no doubt we can find something similar. Rick.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 3, 2008
Re: Engine will not stay running without choking

You can usually buy single guitar strings at a music shop. They are various gauges. The smaller ones are usually $1.00 or less. Made of stainless steel and will last for life. Electric guitar .006 may be about the smallest.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
May 8, 2011
Re: Engine will not stay running without choking

Just to add my 2 cents worth on this carb cleaning thing. Why is it almost every time the only thing people do is just use carb cleaner in the spray can and expect them to preform like new while the core/welch plug/s are left in place trapping God knows what underneath them even then using compressed air and then stating I cleaned my carb/s while even using the old seals and gaskets! Don't miss understand what I am saying. I can see it being done if your on the water for a temporary fix, but not for a permanent solution. To me it's like changing your oil in the car, but not changing the oil filter. It makes no since to me at all, but I suppose it's just me. Now doesn't that sound Preachy!


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 3, 2008
Re: Engine will not stay running without choking

You mean like changing your socks everyday but not taking a shower and wondering why your feet sink.?

Sigh, but s**t still happens. Dispite my best efforts, The last carb job I did on one of my motors turned sour because some dried leaf material got into the fuel line when I had the carbs off rebuilding them. Ran good in the driveway and for about 40 seconds on the water, then wouldn't idle. Turned out two idle jets were restricted with the stuff, one in each carb. Fortunately I recognised the symptoms and didn't try to run it all summer like that.

And it only takes one tiny bit of crud to block a passage and ruin your whole day.

Hey rickyb47, sorry to hijack your thread with these diatribes.:redface:


Jan 20, 2009
Re: Engine will not stay running without choking

I use a piece of .010 gauge (or smaller) guitar string to ensure the tiny passage clustered around the butterfly in the carb throat are clear. I spray carb cleaner through to ensure it is coming out there, blow it out with compressed air, then repeat the process. I don't want to put the carbs back on intil I am certain the gas is able to make it from the bowl, through the slow speed jet, to the carb throat.

And not to forget....to me one of the most important parts...the brass pullover tube that sticks down into the bowl. That thing is very small, but it narrows down up where it presses into the carb upper body, and varnish will collect there. You have to blow and suck on this tube, hit it with acetone, carb cleaner, and I use long oxyacetylene tip cleaners, to ensure it is completely clear.

That tube is THE SOLE SOURCE of the gas that the engine uses to run at idle and mid. From that tube, it makes it's way to the core plugs and holes that oldrudedude is speaking of.

Once I was working on a guy's motor, and he swore he cleaned the carbs over and over, and on 4 of 6carbs, I found that the "well" in the bowl that the brass pullover tube sticks down into was filled with crud. Put that tube down in there, and no gas would possibly flow into those tubes.
Gotta be clean and clear.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 3, 2008
Re: Engine will not stay running without choking

Good point. Those little bowls are natural crud collectors.

My favourite is, "I cleaned the carbs by spraying carb cleaner into the carb throats but it didn't help, so I think it's electrical".


Jul 25, 2011
Re: Engine will not stay running without choking

Will do fellas I am going to go though all areas with a fine tooth comb...Thanks for all the valuable info. I will post back shortly...I gotta go fishin!


Aug 14, 2022
Re: Engine will not stay running without choking

In my humble opinion, carb soaking is highly overrated because it is after all only one step in the carb cleaning process. Unless you use some mechanical means of cleaning the passages, a lot if not all the crud is going to stay in there (like swirling mouth wash and expecting your teeth to get clean without brushing or flossing.) I use a piece of .010 gauge (or smaller) guitar string to ensure the tiny passage clustered around the butterfly in the carb throat are clear. I spray carb cleaner through to ensure it is coming out there, blow it out with compressed air, then repeat the process. I don't want to put the carbs back on intil I am certain the gas is able to make it from the bowl, through the slow speed jet, to the carb throat. For me the biggest hastle is removing/reinstalling the carbs.

Sorry if I sound preachy, but everyday there is at least one member with classic signs of slow speed carb circuit restriction that say they have already cleaned the carbs.
Hey I’m new to this forum, I was reading through the posts and I believe I’m also one of these people.
I have a J130tledm johnson 130
Basically what’s happening now is the engine runs with a misfire and not in low rpm or idle. - rebuilt carbs and set to specs as per manual
- cleaned and flushed all jets and passages
- clean fresh gas
-Confirmed spark
- good compression
Main symptom and clue is that it runs and almost idles well when primer solenoid is In Open position. (Manually)
I removed the carbs and and watch the jets from primer solenoid operate correctly so I know it’s not stuck open or closed. Works in manual and with key.
With the primer closed, If I stiffle 2 carb throats partially with my hand the engine improves .
So I’ve deducted with my little experience with this engine that I have a fuel blockage in carbs or throttle body.
I cleaned all passages thoroughly.
Except the slow speed / idle needle valve, I was afraid to adjust it since my boat ran so well before this issue.
So BASICALLY my question is, is there some hidden passage or place that the fuel may be getting clogged and restricting that I’m not aware of, PLEASE HELP,
*Also note while engine running with solenoid closed, oil warning light sporadically coming. On. As if no gas/oil getting to one or more cylinders,
*also the fuel restriction seems to be only on one side of engine.
When I stiffle the 2 carb throat on the right. Engine bogs and dies like normal,
On left, engine speeds up and runs better temporarily.
Thanks in advance for your help


Jun 10, 2010
I once watched a guy spray the outside of the carbs down and explained to me he was doing a carb cleaning because it wasn’t running well.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 28, 2013
On a Johnson 130 HP carburetors on the left feed cylinders on the right side.-----Post actual compression values here.-----May have issues with crankcase sealing ring.-----Checked oil filter in bottom of oil tank ?


Aug 14, 2022
On a Johnson 130 HP carburetors on the left feed cylinders on the right side.-----Post actual compression values here.-----May have issues with crankcase sealing ring.-----Checked oil filter in bottom of oil tank ?
Ok thanks I’ll do a compression test later today, no oil tank, mixing fuel in gas tank.


Jun 10, 2010
Luke 84
You would be better off staring your own post. Talking about 2 different motors on the same post is gets confusing.