Re: Engine will not stay running without choking
In my humble opinion, carb soaking is highly overrated because it is after all only one step in the carb cleaning process. Unless you use some mechanical means of cleaning the passages, a lot if not all the crud is going to stay in there (like swirling mouth wash and expecting your teeth to get clean without brushing or flossing.) I use a piece of .010 gauge (or smaller) guitar string to ensure the tiny passage clustered around the butterfly in the carb throat are clear. I spray carb cleaner through to ensure it is coming out there, blow it out with compressed air, then repeat the process. I don't want to put the carbs back on intil I am certain the gas is able to make it from the bowl, through the slow speed jet, to the carb throat. For me the biggest hastle is removing/reinstalling the carbs.
Sorry if I sound preachy, but everyday there is at least one member with classic signs of slow speed carb circuit restriction that say they have already cleaned the carbs.
Hey I’m new to this forum, I was reading through the posts and I believe I’m also one of these people.
I have a J130tledm johnson 130
Basically what’s happening now is the engine runs with a misfire and not in low rpm or idle. - rebuilt carbs and set to specs as per manual
- cleaned and flushed all jets and passages
- clean fresh gas
-Confirmed spark
- good compression
Main symptom and clue is that it runs and almost idles well when primer solenoid is In Open position. (Manually)
I removed the carbs and and watch the jets from primer solenoid operate correctly so I know it’s not stuck open or closed. Works in manual and with key.
With the primer closed, If I stiffle 2 carb throats partially with my hand the engine improves .
So I’ve deducted with my little experience with this engine that I have a fuel blockage in carbs or throttle body.
I cleaned all passages thoroughly.
Except the slow speed / idle needle valve, I was afraid to adjust it since my boat ran so well before this issue.
So BASICALLY my question is, is there some hidden passage or place that the fuel may be getting clogged and restricting that I’m not aware of, PLEASE HELP,
*Also note while engine running with solenoid closed, oil warning light sporadically coming. On. As if no gas/oil getting to one or more cylinders,
*also the fuel restriction seems to be only on one side of engine.
When I stiffle the 2 carb throat on the right. Engine bogs and dies like normal,
On left, engine speeds up and runs better temporarily.
Thanks in advance for your help