I guess you're all talking about winterizing the engine. (Don't need to here. Currently in the depths of winter, and I plan on fishing the next few days..

).. Anyway, winterizing. We see many, many :facepalm: threads here at the beginning of each summer along the lines of ... I winterized my engine by filling with anti-freeze, now the engine block is cracked....
One very simple, easy to follow, completely 100% guaranteed way to avoid a cracked block.... (3 simple words).... AIR...DON'T...FREEZE... Forget filling with antifreeze and all trouble (not to mention risk) that entails, just pull the plugs out of the side of the block, the ones under the manifolds (make sure they're clear by using a bit of wire or a small screwdriver), and the large water hose on the front of the engine and the job's done, finished, complete.
I've also hear of sitting a light bulb in the bilge... Works really well, until the power goes out :facepalm:. Then you have a 100% guarantee of a cracked block....