This is a long post, but I tried to make it as detailed as possible to help diagnose the problem. <br /><br />I just got back from a fishing trip with my 1976 Merc 200 20hp outboard. On the way back in to the boat lauch, we tried one last fishing hole about five minutes from the ramp. <br /><br />When we were ready to go in, I fired up the engine, and it started as it did normally with one easy pull. Shortly after that the engine quickly died. I pulled it to start it agian, and it ran for about 2 seconds and then died. I pulled the cover and checked a few things, and everything seemed in order. When I attemped to start it during this time, it had no signs of firing. <br /><br />I didn't smell fuel or see any signs of flooding. I tired squeezing the fuel bulb (thinking lack of fuel was the problem) and the engine sputtered. So, I put the choke on and squeezed the bubble, and it sputtered for a few seconds this time. So then I got my friend to try to squeeze the bubble while I pulled the cord, and it started (he stopped squeezing after it started). It was running very poorly, but we wanted to get to the ramp ASAP. <br /><br />As I took off I tried shutting the choke off, and it seemed to run normal. I ran it at WOT all the way to the ramp. At the dock, I tired a couple of restarts and it started fine. <br /><br />What the heck would have caused this problem? Perhaps an air bubble in the fuel line? Maybe my fuel pump is on it's way out? I changed the switch box on the engine last year, but I don't think that's the problem.<br /><br />Any suggestions would greatly be appreciated. I use this motor fairly often and I don't want to be left stranded.